AMA On Colombia or Dominican Republic | Lets See If I can Help You Guys


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Sep 6, 2022
Dominican Republic
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Ask Me Anything. I'll try to share.

I've lived in the Dominican Republic maybe 6 or 7 years of my life all together
The longest I've stayed was 2 years (during pandemic). I visited the US once in that time for about a week.

I've lived in Colombia for 8 months and hope to go back next year. That was a full 8 months consecutively and I was 2 months over the 'legal' stay but it's b/c the Embassy responded to nothing by email and I thought my visa extension was valid for 6 months into 2022.

Upon exit, they had me fill out some paperwork and told me they would send me a bill of some sort.

Property wise:
Never owned anything. I always did AirBNB in Colombia.
In DR I do AirBNB first week / maybe month... then I find someone locally b/c the 'gringo' price is usually 2x the normal rate if not more.

I almost bought property in DR but I uncovered the correct property title of the land the person wished to sell me and they were not the true owners. Just they had a 'declaracion Jurada' I belive it's called. Rights for their family to live on the property forever but once they moved, it went back to the owner. They did not own it.

Then I also realized, DR condos/apartments should be a property I buy for personal usage and NOT a business plan. The economy is being overloaded with apartments imo and no real regulation. So to buy here would be a gamble on getting my money back in a reasonable time.

However, making a building and selling apartments = good business in DR. If i had investors, I would do this absolutely.
I would love to own a community in DR b/c I know who/where to buy land at the "Dominican price" vs the extranjero price and have baseball player contacts, who will make sure all goes smoothly.

In Colombia I want to own a home for sure. It's an amazing economy that has all the modern resources of the United States in my opinion. However, if coming to South America, remember the people there are not being paid in dollars. Try to contribute to the community and help others and you will be AMAZED at how those people will repay you in non-financial ways.

Now. Feel Free to Ask Questions.
The only city in Colombia where I've spent any time is Medellin. One of the quirks of the city is that whenever you ask a question you are told whatever the other person thinks you want to hear, whether it's true or not. Is this a Colombian thing or just a Medellin thing?

Any tips on buying real estate in Colombia at local prices? I looked at some nicer places in the Medellin area a few years ago and had serious sticker shock. Asking prices on some places about 30 minutes outside of Medellin were comparable to US prices for a similar property in a gated community and on a PGA golf course in the US. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting that kind of premium in rural Colombia.

Any advice on where to look to buy a reasonably modern and stylish penthouse in Medellin? It's not like I look all the time, but I've never even found one I would want to buy. This has to exist, right? Everything I've found that I actually like is only available to rent.
Can you talk about freezones in the DR to save on taxes?

DR's a place where Cash Is King.

If you have enough, you can pay people to get things done in your favor in smaller town. Even some mid-sized cities.

From what I gather, you dont pay taxes on properties until you sell it; Unless it's marked in particular zones.

This is a great breakdown:
You can arrange a stealth bank account here or do business with someone with little, to change their life an maybe see some tax benefits for business as well.

People used to get savings accounts here with incredibly high yields but those days are long gone from all I'm aware
I was reading somewhere that you can invest $200k, this way get permanent residency after 6 months - and then citizenship 18 months after that. Does that actually work ?

You can live in DR as long as you want , as long as you have money to pay exit fees when you're gone

They really dont care much about that here if your record is clean & respect the country

I'd just recommend traveling 1x a year and then re-entering.

See the actual fees here on this chart: How Long Can I Stay in the Dominican Republic in [year]?

You can buy a property here less than $200k and get a residency because of that; not sure what type of residency

And yes, if you stay a certain amount of years you can get a permanent residency by paying

more important information:

You may obtain your permanent residence in Dominican Republic if you can prove that you will receive a monthly passive income from a foreign-source for an amount of at least US$2,000 for 5 years, and you are able to transfer it to a local bank.
taken from:
I was reading somewhere that you can invest $200k, this way get permanent residency after 6 months - and then citizenship 18 months after that. Does that actually work ?
Yes, it works. It takes a bit longer than that (reality) and the whole process (and costs) depends on what lawyer you have (his experience and connections). But it works. All legal. Total process costs beside the investment (which you can sell after you obtain citizenship) depends if it is for you only or also for your family. Family of 4 total process costs were ca. 20 - 25,000 USD
You get a VIP residency after 6 months for two years first. Once you have that you apply for a citizenship. After 2 years residency you get a VIP residency for 4 years and along the way you obtain citizenship. You have to prepare all kinds of documents (no really difficult docs needed, just standard requests) and in the final stage Interpol check will be made on you from authorities.
Thanks for the input ! Do you have to live there for the entire time ?
No, not necessary. Actually you have to plan few trips to DR whenever you have to present yourself at immigration office (difficult to plan) and in between you can be outside of the country. As you have to create a local company there to enjoy VIP fast track status for residency and citizenship, you also pay taxes on 200,000 USD investment (1% yearly on your company assets if company is not active) and for that reason nobody will really bother you. You have VIP which means no waiting at any office (priority treatment, but you would need a local support to benefit from that as bureaucracy is difficult there if you do not know your way around well). Still it is good if you spend some time there as DR is improving evidences of your stay in the country.

Some people are claiming you do not need residency in DR as you just pay penalty fees at your exit. That is true, but for how long? DR is slowly getting better organised and there were some instances some foreigners after prolonged their stay without residency documents were refused to enter again to DR for a certain period. If you have intention to spend more time in DR and even invest there, arrange for papers and sleep peacefully. No need for citizenship, normal residency will also solve all your problems. Just yearly renovation of residency docs is needed for several years what bothers many (inconvenient, but not difficult).
Reactions: Allisgood
DR is slowly getting better organised and there were some instances some foreigners after prolonged their stay without residency documents were refused to enter again to DR for a certain period. .
today they keep track of entry/exit, with a fully automated system and fingerprints collection at border. It’s no longer like a few years ago, so it’s better to avoid long overstays.
Reactions: KalasZX
I don't know if you can add me on my telegram. I want to move in Colombia also. I learn some Spanish, but i wasn't able to move , covid, i have to finish some studies here in Europe first.

Can you tell me how colombian girls really are? if i use Badoo/Tinder a lot of girls "likes me" but i think they are "prostitutes" or "semi-prostitutes". The last thing I wish to do is to f**k a prostitute without a candom and also pay her 20x the price...

Is it common for "normal girls" in colombia to like you as a gringo? is it common for them to ask you for money , like "lend me 40 as i cracked my phone screen, etc " ?
If you come from a normal western perspective Colombian women have the potential to suck even more than western women. You get all of the drama you already know, plus a Latin temper, plus questionable English (or limited by whatever your level of Spanish is combined with your ability to adapt to Paisa Spanish) plus the whole social convention of being told whatever you want to hear to your face with no idea if it's true at all. On the plus side they tend to be more feminine than western women. They also retain an instinctive understanding that their value to men greatly decreases without quality sex in a way western women have forgotten.

Like I said, I've only been to Medellin, but prostitution is rampant there. If you're getting tons of likes from girls that are a lot hotter than you they are probably hookers, or at the very least they are "semi-prostitutes" looking for you to pay for expensive dates and/or gifts that may or may not end in sex. If you're spending 900k+ COP on a "date" whose only purpose is sex you are overpaying that particular hooker. My price info is from a few years ago but I can't imagine covid gave hookers an excuse to add zeros to their rates. When converting to USD normal hookers were somewhere in the 50-80 range. One resort a little outside the city a client took me to, where all of the girls looked like legit supermodels, was still around 200 USD.

It's hard to say if normal girls really like you or not in a short period of time due to the social convention of always being nice to your face. Being white generally gives higher social status in Latin American countries so being white and speaking decent Spanish, combined with having enough money to travel to Colombia for fun, makes you a high value guy in a way it wouldn't in America or Europe. Because of that you can't assume every girl somewhat hotter than you normally get is just a hooker looking for a payday. Still, gold diggers are everywhere. If her family farm suddenly has horses get the plague, all of their pigs eaten by wild animals, car stolen with no insurance, etc. etc. etc. you have been marked as a sucker and are vastly overpaying this particular prostitute. If a woman ever asks you for money when you're out of the country assume you're just one of the guys she's scamming like this unless you have very good reason to think otherwise. Suckering guys after they leave the country is probably her primary source of income if she tries it more than once.

My advice? Have fun but remain skeptical until you have reason not to be.
Reactions: clemens
All this is a universal truth. It works like that in every country of the world, only the USD equivalent changes proportionally to local GDP.
Reactions: KalasZX
All this is a universal truth. It works like that in every country of the world, only the USD equivalent changes proportionally to local GDP.

Please tell me more guys. So ... Right now i saw they add me (in Tinder/Badoo Colombia), like 200-500 girls/day, almost 90% of them give me their phone number, all of them are responding when i want. they talk with me as much as i want.

in Russia/Ukraine also 200-500 girls adds me/day. But, only 10-20 maybe will give me their number, and i really try hard with my text ..and copy and past method. But then i get this :
-random blocks
-girls begging to tell me they don't like me, and so on

I lived in Moldova 15 years ago, and i think it's the same in Russia/Ukraine. You talk "easy" to 1000 girls online/ week, and have sex only with one. Problem? Your head will explode because of depression , they will cause you severe emotional trauma by having 990 women/week rejecting you.

What i noticed is that in Colombia there are some single mums, who will add you then ask for money... after showing you a selfie near her kid... that have his intestines coming out of his body ... and yes, he wants money for the operation. no matter how good I am, it annoys me. I'm a man who doesn't look good, and I don't like being asked for money instead of sex.

Also , what i noticed is that if I add in my photos Ferraries,Private jets, and so on i will not increase in the quality of women i get, but ... i will get a lot of women asking me for money.

Also, I noticed that when a fat lady come in colombia , she will easy give sex, but she is broke as f**k , or a prostitute undercover? they fat ladies easy show pussy ...maybe because nobody respect them there, or because they are prostitutes?

in Russia/Ukraine, fat ladies are easy, and most of the sex you will get will be from fat women. quality is a big problem + you will need to taxe XANAX , because as i said 1000 girls/week will reject you.

I speak some Spanish.

as far as I know , 1 whore is only 20$ in Colombia, Ukraine or Russia. I know that in small cities they don't earn a lot, they earn like 150-300$/month in russia.

My advice? Have fun but remain skeptical until you have reason not to be.

1. What risk I have from a nice girl to put me on "sleep pills" or on "datura seeds" and steal my passport , money and pants?

2. How will girls behave with me if I go to a dancing club, or i try to pick them up near university.
- It was easy for me, I have a trick. I have a digital camera, and i ask girls to take photos of me, then ... in Moldova they just start asking me questions, usually in this order
- where you from ?
- your job?
-do you live here?
-do you like our girls? how are your girls back home?
-do you like our wine? have you tasted our wine yet?

Police if they stop they asked : where do you live? do you have friends? do you have a girlfriend?

@crazyrob1, please, please add me on telegram . i don't want to do something very stupid.
Watch and listen carefully:
Reactions: KalasZX
I'm not sure what you are not understanding. You are going to be a bigger catch in Colombia than in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova or any other white country, so naturally the quantity and quality of responses you get will be higher. I thought we just covered that?

You must really come across as a sucker if thots are hitting you for money before you even meet them. Or maybe they've just been hitting the jackpot with mangina beta cucks. Either way you've probably heard the old hooker saying no money no honey. This goes both ways. Only a colossal fool parts with money pre-honey. Also know that most of the photos you see are old, Photoshopped or someone else entirely. They never look like that in person.

The fat chicks may be legitimately horny. There isn't much demand for them when hot chicks can be rented at very reasonable rates. Or they could be completely delusional and hit you up for the kind of money that will rent an attractive woman for a few days. At least you know the photos won't be fake....probably.

The kinds of things you're asking leaves the distinct impression that you have never played the part of international playboy or sex tourist. The differences are minor, though the latter typically offers lower stress and total cost of ownership. It takes some guys a couple divorces to understand the math on that. Doing either for the first time in Colombia is a VERY bad idea. You will be scammed or overcharged at best, wind up maimed or killed at worst. In some ways regular Colombian girls are more of a risk than getting a girl from a brothel. Remember that lying about anything someone doesn't want to hear is the culture she's lived in her whole life. As a first world gringo you have zero chance of spotting a Colombian woman's real BS. If the prostitute pulls something you can at least complain to the mamasan and that might get you somewhere. Going to the police for help will only waste your time. If your primary motivation is staying safe in Colombia only book a woman through a reputable escort agency. You'll pay a premium for sure, but you will be safe and she will be gorgeous.

Strongly consider doing a lot of reading and getting some experience in a (relatively) safe destination like San Jose ( - FYI the owner of that site is a lawyer who specializes in helping PTs and entrepreneurs with CR residency and company formation), Bangkok (, Pattaya (, the Dominican Republic ( and or Singapore (look up Four Floors of Whores). Thailand is favored by gym bros because steroids are cheap, legal and available at just about any pharmacy. Other questions you have will be better answered in the newbie section of one of those sites than on an entrepreneur's forum.

One last piece of advice: Make sure you stay at a guest-friendly hotel that looks out for dudes' safety. Places that make female guests leave an ID at the front desk and won't let them leave unless you escort them out or call the front desk to let them know everything is fine. You're going to get robbed and/or killed at this rate. That is not meant to be a joke. Stay safe out there.
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Reactions: bluebasemen
. You're going to get robbed and/or killed at this rate. That is not meant to be a joke. Stay safe out there.

In Colombia, Thailand, ?

Funny, when I was dating Russian girls 15 years ago, almost no one asked me for money. No one asked me for 10$, or 5$. There was one girl who asked me to buy her 2 eggs, as she is left without money and another one who pissed me off . She or her mother was a liar. Like , before dating me she had to buy bread and milk. Total cost: 2$, but her mother only gave her 1$. or she had to buy meat/salami of 3$, but she only had 2$.
i was really really pissing me back then . she was always playing fool, always getting 0.25$-1$ from me.. on a daily basic
today they keep track of entry/exit, with a fully automated system and fingerprints collection at border. It’s no longer like a few years ago, so it’s better to avoid long overstays.

I stay & without problems.

As for dating issues mentioned above.......... I've NEVER had that problem.

Colombian women were really friendly and appreciative. I took them out to eat, they did whatever to make me happy in return, that they could; that didn't cost money (at times even buy me littel things)

Colombian women have great education basics. Venezuelan women too. And everyone outside of Bogota tend to have a little street smarts... Bogota = text book culture. A bit 'bland' to me but I appreciate the difference regardless. It helped sharpen my Spanish.

I dont even get why you need to use Tinder? Just go outside in these countries. People LOVE to meet people from other countries or people who have traveled. Make a little compliment and watch the reaction; if there's a positive energy in the response -- Go in for the kill and continue conversation / then get the contact.

In my first month in Bogota I stopped myself at 5 phone numbers a day because I realized i was investing TOO MUCH time in chasing girls vs trying to handle business + learn Bogota

and a 'little complicment' = I like your earrings ; I like your nails; I like your freckles; whatever to open the door to an energy reading
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