Alternatives to Mercury for Non-Resident LLC?

Reactions: Forester
Mate, I know how to sell good things to people, but all this bureaucracy is simply beyond me.

I also have to solve the bank issue soon, I guess Mercury is no longer an option...
Suddenly Mercury losing all these influencers who are trusted in the media
Im getting into a huge project and im depending on mercury as its what real banks should be

I Dont like those big banks like BOA and Chase who dont have a good UI that allows you to control financials easily but seems i will be foreced to go to them
Although I did not get the W9 request (yet), I did end up doing what that YouTube CPA recommended: add another member (for 1%) to my LLC so I can legally use the W9. I have a feeling that Mercury won't be the last with this issue.
But than you might have to pay taxes if you have US clients.
Could you elaborate on this? I could not find anything that suggests this is the case.
Single-member LLCs are considered a disregarded entity and automatically taxed like sole proprietorships unless they request otherwise. Multi-member LLCs are automatically taxed like general partnerships unless they change their tax treatment.
Looks like it can be changed.
Reactions: xnpu
you can try bancoli ... never try though .. still checking them out
Bancoli is a decent solution for US companies, and it does work with foreigners. It's owned by Romeo Juhasz, also owns Relabe (payment processing for ad networks) and Sulvo (Google partner for advertising). They have insurance backed by the US fund instead of FDIC so the limits are higher. I've seen some companies pretty well served with them, but it's still a pretty new company so I don't have much hands on experience and don't want this to serve as any promotion