All my requests to get a bank account for bitcoin trading got rejected??


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Feb 18, 2017
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I need to find any bank that is able to deal with bitcoins and trading with bitcoins!
I don't need to let them store my bitcoins but to allow me transfering EURO or USD from my bitcoin exchange services to the bank without to run into any troubles!

Everythime I send my request to either a bank or agent they decline my request

What to do?
YEah it is a huge problem at the moment since most banks rejects the business as soon as it involved Bitcoins. However, you could find a service like WorldCore, LeuPay or similar that will allow you to withdraw the money in € or $ to your bank account. By using such services you can do a workaround and the bank will never find out what it is you are doing!
hi wtf
maybe you want to look into mistertango MisterTango – Smarter Payments Online
you get an EU account with IBAN and bitcoin address where you can send funds directly in bitcoins and gets converted into EUR
this is taken from the system
How to deposit money to this account with BTC
Transfer your Bitcoin to given BTC address and they will be automatically changed into Euros. If the obtained value will be more than 5% lower than market value, your Bitcoin will not be changed. At your convenience you will be able to sell your Bitcoins by yourself at Bitmarket.
Note: Bitcoin will be changed into Euros after 1 network confirmation. This service is provided by Bitmarket.
This sounds really good @Mohawk - sorry to ask but is this a real bank? do they have own SWIFT and license number?
hi Admin and auric

they are listed on the Bank of Lithuania official site as a regulated and licensed electronic money institution - Bank of Lithuania : Electronic money institutions

License -
License Information

I had summarized the opening procedure in another thread - List of EMI and Digital Banks

Mistertango - you input your email and password and register on the wesbite, you get an email to confirm registration which is valid for 1 hour. Once you verify the email, you have option to choose for personal use or for corporate use, and fill in details of company name registration number and also need a mobile number to verify the account. Once via sms you verify the account, you have option to automatically be allocated a account number of your choice (it can be your phone number etc) and or randomly generated system number. The account with IBAN is allocated with bank MISTERTANGE (SWIFT MIEGLT21). You are also allocated a bitcoin account and can send bitcoins to your account. In order to fully activate the account you need to send funds from another bank account (with the same company name) and once funds deposited the account is fully operational. They have a very fast turnaround and everything is done in 24hours. After that Accepts transfers from third parties directly into account.
Reactions: wtf and negon
hi wtf
have tried with a UK company and a Cyprus company and both worked
havent tried with a belize company but reading the info on their site it may be possible (check last sentence)

Service fees
Mistertango wallet charge these service fees:

Money deposits from any financial institution: 0.00 EUR.
Money withdrawals to any financial institution for private users: 0.00 EUR.
Money withdrawals to any financial institution for corporate users: 0.15 EUR.
Money withdrawals to any financial institution for not European Union residents: 1.00 EUR.
Manual deposits when purpose of the payment is incorrect: 3.00 EUR

Money can be deposited only in EUR currency. Any other transfers will be refunded back to the same account and may be charged with 10 EUR administration fee.
Monthly account service fee for non EU customers: 20.00 EUR
Reactions: negon and wtf
awesome thanks for this nice share. I have a company in Norway that I want to apply for account opening will try the process to see where it goes. You know your stuff
Thank you for useful advice!
I have Bulgarian limited company engaged with Bitcoin trading and faced a lot of problems with Bulgarian banks in relation with corporate account opening. TBI (which was willing to open an account for BTC company in the past) rejected. UniCredit and DSK Bank are also negative to companies with such activity.

If you have other good solutions like MisterTango, please share