Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025

My guess:
Chips (microchips not tortillas o fritos) will go back to the USA, Japan, Korea, and NL
Clothing is not mostly in bangladesh, myanmar, India, vietnam, etc
As for others staf, Mexico was the place 20 years ago....

China blames U.S. for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine​

Here we go…
Breaking news:
Taiwan claims China as part of its territory.
Alaska claims Siberia was included in the original sale.
France wants to retake Louisiana and Florida.
UK claims half of France as theirs.
Sweden apologises for invading most of Europe in the Middle ages, but says they were all drunk at the time.
Norway claims the north of England.
Danemark does the same but says that health care will be free.
Australia threatens to develop nuclear weapons unless beer imports are free.
Iran court executes everybody in the country.
North Korea outlaws anyone with a sense of humour.


China Says US Balloons Trespassed Over 10 Times Since Early 2022​

First Sidewinder Missile Targeting Object Over Lake Huron Missed At Cost Of $400,000​

Sounds to me like U.S needs a big distraction with hyping up balloons flying over head. I wonder why? . And how does a $400k missile miss a slow moving Plus any enemy can fly now 1000's of inexpensive balloons over U.S and bankrupt US at that rate .
- 3 trillion dollars per year as defense budget, and they can't stop a balloon...
- ufos?

I forget 2 more topics:
- USA attacks and destroy germany and russia oleoduct (nordstrom).
-Ohio chemical environmental disaster due to negligence.


Please forgive me, this is all just a coincidence....
"Predictions are hard, especially about the future"

Being an US Army general doesn't mean you know anything about the future. US Army Colonel MacGregor predicted that "Ukraine will fall within a week" last year and we all saw how that prediction went.
Reactions: sharklasers
He'd have been correct if Russia had fought as per their military doctrine though.