Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani

Read that also. Time for Interpol to seek his arrest .

But let me guess he will claim he took the money to keep it safe from the Taliban
Anyway I feel sorry for the people in Afghanistan. That said I believe this was that is coming is planned and late sat by the same people behind all the other crap going on in this world, COVID-19, the troubles in HK 2 years ago and all the other s**t.

Someone has to pay the bill and at the moment it looks like the people in Afghanistan do.
I am sure nobody will touch that son of a b…

Is Afghan Intelligence Building a Regime of Terror With the CIA’s Help?
I am not supporter or hater of any .
But If taliban as bad as media claim, why people welcoming them.
Seems they takeover country without much fighting.
Seems People does not have any problem under Taliban .

Sometime back, in turkey whey army try to takeover country. People protest and reject army rule.

So much confusion around Taliban.
Reactions: Singa and pipona
That video above gives a good idea what was going on in Afghanistan.
Reactions: troubled soul
Maybe the people in Afghanistan could just not realize the greatness and superiority of the Democrazy they were about to get?
I am not supporter or hater of any .
But If taliban as bad as media claim, why people welcoming them.
Seems they takeover country without much fighting.
Seems People does not have any problem under Taliban .

The media does have a problem but at same time maintain direct contact with Taliban to do interviews, video calls and documentaries with them . Problem is with any war it begins with the media demonizing the enemy. You have to make your enemy appear inhuman, brutal and incapable of rational thought, incapable of credible values and without any compassion and it becomes then easier to garner public support for a conflict and to overthrow them . The Taliban is brutal or at least was make no mistake.

However the biggest mistake the US made was 20 years ago after 9/11 when they wanted Bin Laden. The Taliban were actually one of the first to come out and denounce the 9/11 attack on the day it happened if I remember. The US then asked the Taliban to hand him over. The Taliban asked the US government to provide proof of their claims before they do so and offered to extradite him to a third country with Sharia Law. Proof was never given that was adequate for Taliban. The US could not accept this blow to their ego and had to avenge 9/11 and decided the only thing they could do was just invade them and hunt him down Continued diplomacy would have been better option imo. The rest is history.

Anyway Taliban are back in power now still potentially as brutal as ever. They actually now have social media to get their views across. Back in 2001 there was no Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube or many people with a none mainstream point of view so public got a one sided view of events from broadcasters about who they were. I hope the country becomes stable and we can all learn that in the end diplomacy wins and you must not stop talking to your enemy or resort to violence to solve a problem.

P.S People always say if Taliban are so supported why do people want to leave? Well Afghanistan is a very poor country. Something like half the country live below the poverty line. Naturally the people would want to leave if they heard there are free flights going to the The same thing could happen in any poor country regardless of the regime sadly. Also those that collaborated with effectively the enemy are fearful of their lives. History has shown us what happens to n**i collaborators in i.e France after WW2 .

Honestly I used to think China will be No.1 also but the following changed my mind :

Average wage 15500 USD, double than the eastern Europe average wage
A shipping container is up from 1500 to 19000 USD.
More Eu taxes on China imports.
China killed their own tech sector with regulations and it seems they continue to do so with influencers.

Eastern Europe has around 100m people, cheap labor.
US wants automated production on their soil and moving the labor in Mexico.

It's beginning of the end for China, this is the way I see it lately.
China didn’t even start to dig its own HUGE and CLOSED internal market, and Eastern Europe will have to become a gay/refugee camp or loose EUSSR money - they have potential but sooner or later they shall make a choice.
I am not a hater of any in this conflict, yet I would like to state the obvious.

Reality is that, Americans tend to take down a dictatorship, place the weakest, controllable people in charge and then suck the satellite country year by year.
This technique does not work in the Muslim countries, where weaker men are taken down or killed. I would be inclined to say that the Taliban are indeed "real MEN", and the US was actually a conqueror there, otherwise all those afghans wouldn't greet the Taliban's return.

You can fight a guerilla war, but usually conquerors can't win something like that, as you don't know who will pull out a AK and kill you, a 6 year old or a 90 year old woman with no teeth in her mouth.
Reactions: Singa and jjrapy
Like for real, you still can't see it?
That's what Afghanistan
control is really about. The
same way they lied on
Saddam Hussien about
having weapons of mass
destruction. America
admitted he never had
weapons of mass
destruction. Don't believe
western media.
All the Taliban did was defend themselves, their country, and the principles they believe in.. Not only That but the Taliban was also attacked by the alliance of the powerful armies in the world, not just the US and with the newest powerful weapons, equipment, and numbers, and for 20 years!!!!
Who would have survived this long with this equation if they weren't right? I mean the proof that the Taliban was right and the US not, is the result today....! It's just living proof, can't get any better... They should studies the bravery and determination of the powerful Taliban in the history books, in the future...
Let's carry on

A sample of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction confiscated in 2003 and transferred to the U.S for research.

As 2pac said it America is the biggest gang in the world...
Check the video
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Reactions: Member and EuroKiss