advice for advcash locked account


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May 30, 2022
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• 3 weeks now since I make a deposit from crypro exchange and my money isn't anywhere.they ask for documents I send documents I send everything I send myself oic holding documwnt with date still nothing.
• they reply in 2 3 days asking for more now 1 week no reply my money is stuck with their s**t website
• what do to? it's end if month I have bills to pay and my sister needs financial help.i should have gotten my money in 30 minutes with sepa not 3 weeks later nothing

• is this a scam?online reviews everything is bad and they go reply with trash words to reviews this is not good busines practice
• have I lost my money please guys help
• I am eu passport holder all documents good anyone have trouble like this for 3 weeks?
Normally their support is very responsive, they are a legit firm, or at least they have been that over the last years.

Did you try to play any games with them ?
Normally their support is very responsive, they are a legit firm, or at least they have been that over the last years.

Did you try to play any games with them ?
no I play no games I am legit person looking for solution
• account is in my name
• sepa transfer coming from crypto exchange
• other transfers before have worked for small amounts like 1k 2k now with more is blocked
• account fully verified
• I login from my own computer no reason to block
• my phone number my email my password
• no reason for them to block me
Reactions: SoNewToAllShit
Any update on this? BTW, what was the amount transferred (roughly)?
• no reply from team only provide us with documents
• 47,000 € not including sepa fee and withdraw fee
Aaahh. My sympathies are with you. Perhaps try to search here for some more previous experiences with Advcash (I have never used it by myself) – online reviews at Google, Trustpilot etc. are not so much worth attention...
(@tacokai is right with that they are a legit firm, or at least they have been that over the last years.)
Reactions: palermo55
Reactions: SoNewToAllShit
why does advcash do this for wHat reason
No one say they do. But we have seen this before, many times actually. There is no one that can sue AdvCash for their activity nor in any other way. You either Trust them and keep your fingers crossed, or you do not.

They are Russian Ghosts, no one will be able to reach out to them or put pressure on them to pay out your money.
I understand but I was left without an choice and no reply still to this day my money is stuck with this bitches
write to their correspondent emi put pressure on them , tell you a have been scammed you you willopen case in central bank i am sure they act , the emi not want trouble with central bank espaiccially when yhey are laundering money for them
i once threat to report them to ombudsman and there were worried , it was trivial amount i had to keep in account then i forget about it let alone amount like this . i understand they are not regulated like other emi's but with repetitive complaints some financial regulatory bodies will see them as serious dangerous which will hurt their reputation
• okay my account is unlocked? there's no email no nothing I login and my account is unlocked
• ive initiated a sepa transfer lets see what happens
• will never use them again as soon as my money is out
They were also around here on the forum in the past @ADV maybe they have a comment!
Good point.
• okay my account is unlocked? there's no email no nothing I login and my account is unlocked
It means that money (47 000 EUR) had landed at your account, correct? (After ~4 weeks of processing, if I count well. It's unpleasant but it could have been much worse; and not only with Advcash, see Wise/Revolut experience...)
• ive initiated a sepa transfer lets see what happens
Share the result, pls...
• will never use them again as soon as my money is out
Good idea
Frankly, I have no experience with them but generally, I would not trust such a Belize-located EMI very much – but YMMV...
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• this is a bitch whore service to lock money for so long no they wanted documents to unlock it sepa takes 1 hour sometimes 15 minutes
• whylock my money like you are business in fucking European union where you have to be a strick bitch when you are in fuxking Island so small you have to zoom in in map to see
Well, I perhaps understand your frustration – but be advised that you can be asked for documents related to a transaction in any financial institution (EMI or bank) and waiting a week for a decision is quite common. This is the way how it works today, like it or not – but get ready for it.
Yes, waiting for 4 weeks is a sign that it is not working well, especially when the communication is not transparent. But again, this is not the worst case
Reactions: palermo55
• bro why not tell me whats happening instead of being like that causing me to be scared
• I needed the money for personal issues which were bad enough why deal with extra fear with these whore
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