Advcash / Volet update (not looking good).

Situation is still not under control, I would say forget about them, it was nice in all the years they were around, but everything has it's time, seems it is over for AdvCash
Reactions: jafo
Would you care to expand on this?
Sure! They removed UnionPay card but they now offer Plastic Visa cards in USD. Max car balance is 100k and 500k a year. With that I used ADV only for passing through larger some of money through their service, i never actually kept my money there. I used to load a card and spend in other words. I think that they are making something much much better with this Volet.
Reactions: donna4 and jafo
I'm going to research it further to see how I can make the best use of it, too! Thank you for sharing!
Just passing through, this type of EMI or whatever should be used only for purpose. If you keep there money you are doing on your own risk. Also this new Volet card have insane fees but also insane limits of 150 000!

There is a "coming soon" Union pay card, global, same description as the visa card, but the fees are way lower (lower limits though).

To be honest, I like volet for what it is, send bitcoin, load it in your card and spend.

Card is unreliable though, their issuer is, sometimes you load the card it doesn't go through, money gets stuck for hours and then it's returned in your account so you can try again.

So I have it to have it so to speak, I don't rely on it. I mostly use Xapo to spend bitcoin.
Reactions: hiju and jafo
Volet and others like them are playing with their takes one desperate guy to change the course of history!
...and guess what... NOT a single "regulator or politician" will be helping their families who are left behind!
how can you still have money in there with them after you wrote this ?
Just passing through, this type of EMI or whatever should be used only for purpose. If you keep there money you are doing on your own risk. Also this new Volet card have insane fees but also insane limits of 150 000!
True on the limits but spend more than 10,000 a month and you start having issues, and have to go through copious compliance processes.

That would be their compliance process (LE).

It's like Binance these days by all accounts.

I wouldn't sign up for a new account if honest, we were using them commercially based on recommendations on here for payments to India payment processor (union pay) -> loved that aspect but the fuckery and cards becoming useless when you need them etc.

Have a much better service currently via Europe just pay higher fees for our vendor costs when dealing with 2nd/3rd world nation(s).

Still always interested in NON USD/EUR/GBP UnionPay service using Chinese Financial Rails though.

(most of our vendors are in non Western States).
Have a much better service currently via Europe just pay higher fees for our vendor costs when dealing with 2nd/3rd world nation(s).
What service have you found as an alternative to Advcash services?

Is there anyone who believes that Advcash will ever return to normal operations and offer the same products and services as before? I doubt it. Even though they've implemented a strict KYC policy, it seems like they keep running into regulatory hurdles with financial authorities.
Reactions: jafo
What changes have been made to their KYC procedure?
That’s kind of a strange question you’re asking, and honestly, it makes me think you haven’t really used AdvCash much, or maybe only for a short period recently!

If you’ve followed AdvCash over the past 8 years, you’d know it’s evolved from being a totally shady operation to trying to become regulated and comply with international laws.

It doesn’t take a lot of insight to see that at some point, they actually started verifying the passports or utility bills they received to check if they were real or fake. Plus, they’ve repeatedly reviewed some of my transactions by asking a bunch of questions, but they’ve never frozen or held the funds.

AdvCash will probably never shake off the reputation they built in the beginning, which is why they’ve had so many issues over the last few years. Once a gangster, always a gangster it never really changes.
Reactions: wellington and gh0p
I have been using them for a long time, but I haven't noticed any significant changes. They regularly request ID and residency verification, usually when ordering a new card.

If they have started questioning transactions, I agree, that’s not a good sign. Of course, assuming that the wallet wasn't topped up with crypto from a questionable source (e.g. mixers).
Reactions: EliasIT and jafo
Them questioning the transactions is more about the end user than compliance

I.e those funds flagged up.

Either way things will get more interesting once CAT starts incorporating CEX data for blockchain inbound / outbound transactions

As all federal agencies will have access to - then all non US authorities will also get access via MLAT

At that point tax evasion and routing charges will be levied world wide in unison.

Hence US demand for binance data as the largest direct and indirect counter party coupled with Tether aspects you have the US eating into the replacement Eurodollar market taking it from underneath City of London

Giving them more control on the dollar overseas
It requires a new thread to start discussing CAT, blockchain, and global authorities gaining insight into crypto transactions. This has nothing to do with Advcash. Could you start a new thread so we can have that discussion?