ADVCASH very bad onboarding service


Active Member
May 19, 2019
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I tried to open a personal account in avdcash this past week and the result has been disastrous. The onboarding system they have is lamentable. Unable to recognize a document that I sent them. I sent a scanned copy (600dpi) of my EU passport. They reply me that the scan does not allow them to see the data or my face correctly. From my point of view everything looks perfect and the minimal details are noticeable !!! This same scanned copy has already been accepted by 6 different banks and 4 official organizations
from different countries. Well,..., so to try to resolve the situation I scan again at 1200 dpi, I send it along with another photo of the passport taken with the camera at high resolution. I also send proof of residence, utility bill, residence permit with photography and residence
certificate issued by the town hall and with an official seal.
Reply advcash: "The resolution of your ID is not clear enough. Proof of residency is not accepted ..."
LOL ....!!! They do not accept an official certificate from the town hall or a residence permit with my photo !!!!!
Incredible the inefficiency of their onboarding managers.
I don't want to imagine what would happen if it were to unfreeze an account. Lucky for me it has been that this occurs without having entered a penny.
So be careful with this company that has a third-world country onboarding service.
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had the same problem with them accepting my ID scan. Opened a Ticket (and uploaded the same scan again & complained) and was verified 1min later...
I wonder what documents you have provided them with, because I don't recall the issue
i would avoid advcash now because the very poor kyc/aml checks that been going for few years. back in 2014-2017 they had simple no kyc service that did well with exchanges but after that it turns out to be useless .

if you don't know the famous homeless mexican guy personally .find something more reliable.
I registered seemlessly from Nigeria with no issue at all
same here.. no issues, not from Nigeria but different other countries.
I provided all my real docs and had to go to my bank for a proof of address.. etc etc. But once you're set up adv just works perfectly .. it's very specific doesn't do alot of things but what it does , does perfectly.
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I provided all my real docs and had to go to my bank for a proof of address.. etc etc. But once you're set up adv just works perfectly .. it's very specific doesn't do alot of things but what it does , does perfectly.
agree, had problems with submitting my docs to them in the first, after second attempt it works and was happy.

I read in the mentor group gold about some tweaks that helped me a little
Hey, we are very new to this forum and this is literally our first post, hope it works out If you provide details via a private message (your email or the support ticket number), we would be happy to take a look and comment. Sometimes the type of document is fine but there are other issues that may be preventing it from getting approved.
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I explain you how are going with your institution.
After contact support for complaint:
1º.- I receive email + sms from support saying that all it's ok after my complaint. Curiously after complaint It take 10 mins to say all ok. In 10 mins the compliance find all ok and congratulation.
And consequently my account is activated.
2º.- 30 minuts later after the congratulacion I receive an email from officer compliance saying that I must to try to send better copy.
On this point I don't know which email to follow. ¿¿¿???
What it's the correct directive?. It's ok? or I must to continue sending copies of my passport till your system find one that it's suficient good copy?
You have a serious problem with your onboarding/KYC department. I don't know if the problem is due from the software that you are using to recognise the document autenticity or if the compliance officier are not very familiarised with the passport identification.
As I wrote in my previous post , my scanned passport was valid in 5 serious and prestigious street banks, + 2 EMIs, (bank online). My proof residency exactelly the same. You can't compare a perfect scanning oficial document with a ******** foto taken with a camera phone. Evidently I sent also a cam picture taken from my phone and the result was rejected too.
You can't get a picture showing fluorescent holograms and at same time a clear details about the data passport. Why?,...Because to see all the holograms you need to put the passport with an angle that it will not let you to read the complete owner data. Evidently that in the case that the focus is to see only all the holograms
All this are referent to the ID document. But if I talk about a certificate from the municipality (where there are no holograms), I don't understand how it can be better a picture from camera than a scanned document where you can apreciate really if there is a differents pixelation and then to discart a possible manipulation by photoshop on the documents.
There are a very good software to detect this. But always from a scanned document, and no from a picture.
Now the interesting will be to see if the different departments agree on the validity or not of the documents provided (passport, residence permit with foto, utility bill, TIN and municipality certificate). All of them were rejected within a period of 5 minutes from when I sent them until I received the answer by SMS and later by email. Too fast to take a responsible decision.
Neither the solution is to accept everything half an hour after a complaint. Because what really worries is if one day I have a frozen transfer and you ask me for supporting documents, your team will not be able to distinguish a real document from an invalid one. And this is what makes me stake out my situation with your EMI. Now I will wait to see if your different departments agree with each other about the validity of my docs. And I will continue to inform the readers of this forum about the progression with your institution.
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I explain you how are going with your institution.

It's pretty much impossible to comment on anything you've written without knowing which account it is about. If you would really like to discuss all this, we are going to need your support ticket number or account email. Then we will be happy to publicly comment on your verification process, if you insist.

Obviously I do not pretend that advcash solve my problem here and publicly. The purpose is not this. The purpose of this post is to provide information to our community about the operation and problems that any user of the forum may find and this way they have enough elements to judge whether they are interested in dealing with one company or another. Thanks to this forum, many people can take precautions and avoid problems and troubles. It does not have to be free without consequence that an inept employee of a company harms a client and indirectly the interests of the company by doing his job badly or because he is simply not qualified to hold the position and responsibility that he has or because he does not want to give the trouble of do his job responsibly. I do not intend to claim the company through this post. I only inform the forum users about the problems that I have found and that those who intend to work with you will have a possibility to find.
Financial institutions must to put in its brains that they cannot happily freeze an account or block a transfer due to the incompetence of a compliance employee. And in recent times we hear too much talk about this type of rotten maneuvers that greatly harm users. I am not saying that this is the case of advcash in particular, but it is an increasingly widespread case that users must fight and enforce our rights. It is certainly not always the fault of the banks and we all know that some clients operate with some lightness and outside the legal frameworks established by the BEPS guidelines with AML5. But it is also true that many banks and financial institutions do not take the necessary evaluation time before rejecting or blocking a client or an account.
As for advcash, I can only say that in the last few hours the support team contacted me to say that everything was in order and that they regretted the misunderstanding. I'm glad. But it would have been great if from the first moment someone had taken the trouble to examine my documentation even 10 minutes before rejecting all the documents presented. I hope this is the beginning of a successful collaboration with you. And I also hope that if someone in charge of a bank reads these lines, they will become aware that they must be consistent with their clients and that slip-ups have a price for everyone.
For my part, the incident is closed and ended at this point
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Financial institutions must to put in its brains that they cannot happily freeze an account or block a transfer due to the incompetence of a compliance employee

We don't take freezing that lightly. Accounts are never frozen just because of a misunderstanding about the quality of a scan or anything like that.

Overall recently we employ third party KYC services more and more to make sure there is no subjectivity in the reviewing process.

We would be happy to tell our side of the story should you ever want it, possibly in a private conversation. Just to clear up any misunderstandings. You are welcome to get in touch.

Either way, we are happy this has been settled, we apologize for any human error there may have been, and we hope there will be no further issues.
Have maybe transferred 250k eur over last 6 months through advcash and no problems
Just wish it wasn't 10k per day and 50 per month limit
Overall recently we employ third party KYC services more and more to make sure there is no subjectivity in the reviewing process.
Exactlly. This is the problem that you have. Transfering the responsability of such delicate matter to other companies that they do not care about the positive evolution of the company that hires them. Compliance is a fundamental part of the smooth running of an EMI and outsourcing this very special piece of machinery always negatively influences the retention of customers. The vast majority of companies subcontracted for compliance are harmful to the proper functioning of a company. They are only interested in protecting their a*s without taking into account the interests of the company they work for. A EMI need to have his own compliance service. I know that's a budget. Important budget. But it will make the difference between a miserable EMI and a quality and reliable EMI.
Anyway thanks for your sincerity in recognizing your Achilles heel. It is a great point in your favor.
A EMI need to have his own compliance service.

I never recognized using third party KYC providers is our Achilles heel because it isn't. We do have a compliance department, and it's actually among the strongest in the business I dare say, judging by the amounts of sophisticated fraud prevented and by the fact that our clients literally from all over the world do not wait days and weeks for their applications to be processed. In reality, third party providers have been gradually added recently and they only come after our own manual review in most cases, and in your case, I'm sure this was not the reason for whatever happened. Third party services have not replaced our own compliance yet and probably never will. If anything, we started using third party providers because people were complaining our own KYC was too strict during credit card deposits. So all in all, with all due respect, you did not quite get that one right about us Happy to clarify tho.
Try to explain why you reject an application. For example the one for my UK company of which I am the sole director and shareholder

This is what ADVcash support (a “document verification specialist”) replied to my request for information:

“Our Compliance department had a decision to deny verification of your account without any comments. No need to upload documents again.

The decision is final, it cannot be changed. Additional comments cannot be provided either.”

They rejected the application for a UK company of which I am the sole director and shareholder. Italian passport.

Stay away from ADVcash! If this is how they handle such a simple task, imagine what they can do when you have an issue with your funds!
Thanks god they rejected my account.
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