ADVCash incresed the security/checks?

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After 4 months - I still have no useable credit card - even though they claimed the limits should be 80k a year, which is the maximum you can expect.
that was the case in the past as I remember. Maybe it is the beginning of the end you are looking into right now.
I guess you can try other cards.
I don't use them but the other day some guys in the chat were complaining that Advcash was asking them to send a selfie holding their credit card. I was like WTF? Are they freaking nuts?

I suppose this is not true since its completely illegal to ask for someone to take a selfie with their credit card and it should be reported ASAP if requested, but many different guys said the same so I am afraid this could be true. Never ever hear someone ask something so crazy like that.

That said, nobody can be so stupid to send a selfie with their credit card. Waiting for Advcash support to come here and say this is NOT true and they do not do these illegal requests.
Reactions: Btraveler
What's "so crazy" about that? how do they make sure that you're not buying a stolen credit card and want to use it in some fraudulent method? So they need to make sure that you have the actual card and you are the same person on said card!

Like I understand that some EMIs/banks ask sometimes unreasonable questions, but this is far from being unreasonable.

So, yeah, it seems like you are overreacting a lil bit.
Reactions: jjrapy
Listen, that's your problem, not mine.

When you are a cheap setup, not big and not professional enough to hire PWC or Deloitte, you end asking that kind of crazy requests to your clients.

Never used this specific service but I have been using my cards for decades without a single problem in many other places, and I was never ever asked these kind of crazy requests.

If you believe all your customers are guilty until proven innocent, then you are the problem, not your customers.

This is pretty obvious, but if you don't understand "what's so freaking crazy about it", then there is nothing else I can say to you.
Listen, that's your problem, not mine.
What? how is that my problem? you are the one who is complaining about it, so How is that my problem then?
When you are a cheap setup, not big and not professional enough to hire PWC or Deloitte, you end asking that kind of crazy requests to your clients.
Mate, what are you even talking about? I'm so confused, what PWC and Deloitee have to do with all of this?
most EMIs use services that do their KYC verifications for them like Jumio and shufti pro, I don't know if advcash uses one of these services or if they do it in house, but that has nothing to do with PWC and the other 3 big firms.
Yeah there are services like PWC KYC center of excellence tool, but they are not widely used/known as other services in the KYC and AML industry, so I don't know why you are mentioning them.

OR are you perhaps talking about business incorporation, tax planning and other services that are provided by these firms? if so, then you are very very wrong, because no one who is using these services opt for EMIs, specially Russian owned ones (no offence to Russians) like Advcash and it's sisters. These people already have private banking in different jurisdictions that cater to their needs, so they don't need to use any EMI and deal with the risk that comes with it.
Never used this specific service but I have been using my cards for decades without a single problem in many other places, and I was never ever asked these kind of crazy requests.
Well, Are you an EU citizen? are using an EU financial service? do you shop mostly within the EU? if the answer is yes, then naturally there will be less questions asked.

OR are you a 3rd world national? are you using a Russian financial service? do you use it to shop from the EU or USA? if the answer is yes, then get ready for a s**t load of questions and I guess the reasons are obvious.
If you believe all your customers are guilty until proven innocent, then you are the problem, not your customers.
And why is that? I'm all for decentralization, privacy...etc, but you are blaming the players and not the system, this is not the problem of advcash, it's a regulation problem , surprise isn't it? and if they didn't comply and adapt to the rules, they will shutdown their business, or worse, they will get royally fucked by western financial crime units for money laundering or whatever BS they want to charge them for. So, yeah, you are pointing your fingers at the wrong target.
This is pretty obvious, but if you don't understand "what's so freaking crazy about it", then there is nothing else I can say to you.
that's how the world works mate, if you don't like the service, move to another one that caters to your need, there is no magic solution to your problems, if you don't like that Advcash wants to verify their s**t, use another EMI that asks less questions, and keep doing it, until you find that these questions will become the norm in most financial services and institutions (if they didn't already).

I use skrill, CEX.IO and other services like that from time to time, and when I charge/top up my account, they always ask for Card verifications, and I'm an EU national, but I understand why they are doing that, so I don't stress it.

Anyway, EMIs want to make money and if it were on them, they would accept money from the devil, but the problem is the regulation and over regulation in some parts of the worlds, that's the reality, so adapt to it and be better at playing with the rules or be left behind trying to fix a broken system. It's your call.
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I totally agree. They have to comply and they have to adapt or they will be out of business quickly.
After almost 5 months since registering a corporate account, I finally have a working prepaid card.
Note that from ADVCash you can only send payments to your other bank accounts, or use a credit card for spending.
Their limits for ATM cash withdrawals are €2.5k per day, €20k per month, €80k per year.
Reactions: Btraveler
What name of the card? ADV Europe or unionpay Global?
Mate, what are you even talking about? I'm so confused, what PWC and Deloitee have to do with all of this?

The big ones can cover up anything for ages... But you'll have to fork out for a good structure that can also be altered as the terrain changes.

Corruption, criminal behaviour and secrecy is more prevalent the further you get towards the top...

Fake is the New Real in short!
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