Advcash business

Here is my experience from another thread:

There are many threads for AdvCash you can consult for further experiences:[title_only]=1&o=date
Reactions: uplana and nomad999
Thx guys !

you are right @4br will check the search a bit more.

Anyone with experience specifically with Seychelles, BVI, Belize or other tax heaven countries ? did they give any resistance ? talking legit entity with nothing to hide.
Why do you recommend avoiding them?
Just set up a bank account with them myself and was about to start over.

Not many banks will touch Belize anything. Even if you have $1M to open the account with you are left with banks in odd countries, like Belize, Saint Lucia etc. Even most more off the beaten path banks like Seychelles and Mauritius will no longer take them.

If you are using one it's best to keep little money in the account and take the cash out to personal accounts, crypto, brokerage, real estate, PMs.

If you have an account with odd offshore companies, you may end up in a situation where your bank account is shut down and no one will open you another one.

One of my source of funds has stopped paying me, because paying a Belize offshore company into a Puerto Rican bank is not something they want to get wrapped up with. I have about eight months of invoices piled up.

Thirty years ago Mr. Ivanov could turn up in Guernsey and open an account with t prestigious bank.
Twenty years ago he was in The Bahamas.
Ten years ago he was in Mauritius.
Today he's flying out to Vanuatu, which has been cut off from USD.
Hopefully in another ten years he'll be in hardware wallets.

From reading on the forum it seems like The OECD and others have been particularly busy behind the scenes this year. And it looks like that ilk will be coming out hard next year to terrorise people into giving up their freedom due to the fake virus. They get many of the major countries to sign up to global harmonisation of financial legislation; and then have them lean on the countries that don't - forcing them to take the same rules with no say, or be cut adrift from global capital flows.
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It's all about that. And, YES, this fake virus is the excuse for everything
In the end China knew what was going to happen in a global pandemic, so they started mining cryptocurrencies long time ago, generated COVID-19 to spread it and make the banking system crumble until we rely on cryptocurrencies some day. Heard it here first!

Seriously, the virus is real. However, the EU clearly starting to rush on the things they want to be fixed, e.g. offshore banking, regulating cryptocurrencies etc. etc. Shameful behaviour, but that‘s like how politics work nowadays I guess.

@lory tried with Seychelles and Advcash, got fully verified yesterday, but in order to receive bank transfers I will need to provide a bank statement from another bank. So that‘s why I will go with Bankera instead now. F*cking Advcash, if I had the opportunity to have another bank account, I would obviously make use of it. Don‘t really know why they keep advertising on this forum... Trash.

@Gediminas is Bankera fine with daily outgoing transfers to Binance or would you recommend using like Advcash in between? Don‘t want to run into constant paperwork, their first-time application literally took forever... I even have to pay 200€ upfront. They‘re totally new and considered to be an EMI, yet they charge 200€ just to have the chance to open an account with them? In case my documents will be denied I won‘t even get refunded they say! That‘s ridiculous.
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Reactions: Btraveler
as a business or individual?

Most often it will take you some time to get them convinced about setting up your business account for a Belize company, but it is possible.
almost 2 years after your last reply. Did anyone setup a business account with AdvCash if the company is registered in Belize, Panama or Romania ?