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ADHD/Autism friendly low tax country

I hope this belongs in this section. If not, I'm sorry. If you want to start with “ADHD/autism does not exist”, please just let it be

So here's the issue
I have ADHD and autism and I rely on Adderall to get me through the day.

Now the time is approaching when countries like Cyprus and Malta become more interesting. Unfortunately, my place of residence also depends on whether I can get my medication. I had done some research and read that it is very difficult to get Adderall in Malta and Cyprus. Ritalin/Medikinet is more likely to be prescribed there. I had taken both for 6 years and couldn't cope with it at all. Only Adderall works best for me.

Now my question is, do you know any countries where it can be prescribed, or do you know people who have similar concerns and how they have solved them?

Organizing an official certificate from my psychiatrist is not a problem. I had also read on Reddit that you can have things sent to you very easily, let's say ;). But I don't want that. I'm a guest in the country at the end of the day and have to abide by the laws. And you don't have to take the risk if there are other solutions
If you have a medical condition of any sort that requires some form specialized health care or readily available medication, I would put more emphasis on finding places where the health care is of high quality and then within that subset of jurisdictions look for places that have low tax. A list like that often comes down to places like Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the US. None of those are zero-tax jurisdictions but you can achieve lower tax burden than in many other parts of the world that also have good health care.

Your request is very specific, though. Maybe others have experiences specifically related to getting Adderall prescriptions.

I had also read on Reddit that you can have things sent to you very easily, let's say ;). But I don't want that. I'm a guest in the country at the end of the day and have to abide by the laws. And you don't have to take the risk if there are other solutions
Very wise choice to refrain from that. There are places in the world (such as parts of Asia) where I wouldn't be surprised if importing a prescription drug without a prescription could fall under some arcane and draconian narcotics law.
It is an amphetamine drug which is not approved in Europe. There are alternatives but as with drugs US and Europe are different.

It is completely illegal in Hong Kong while in Singapore you could enter as tourist if you have an approval from the Singapore government. It is equally not available in New Zealand
Middle East also seems not possible.

Why other ideas?

You may want to check if Lisdexamfetamin like Elavanse works for you. If any alternative works, you have plenty of options. If not, contrarily to @Sols advice, you may want to try third world countries with no health care system and no tax and actually have it shipped there. There probably are some without regulations. But personally I would recommend you to find other ways of coping with it or stay in the US. Puerto Rico maybe or American Samoa, etc.?

Other question. You state that you are from the Netherlands. Are you getting them there? Because normally, it is a US drug. Also important to know then would be whether you are US citizen or permanent resident.
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Look into attentin or elvanse in Europe. Attentin is more like Adderal. Elvanse is colder. If i was you i'd schedule appointments with local doctors and explain them your case. Maybe even your local doctor can point you into the right direction. Saves you a lot of time and the information from good doctors is more reliable.
I agree with @Sols completely. Adding, that from my perspective it is a legal problem – in many countries it is well possible to manage getting some specialised / rare medication generally not available there if it is exclusively for your usage, fulfilling certain conditions usually including some more or less complicated administrative burden.
As you are asking specifically about Cyprus and/or Malta, I guess e.g. @CyprusLawyer101 or @CyprusLaw might be able to advise you...

Moving the thread to Tax & Legal, as I think it can attract more (and proper) attention there and this is quite an important problem, at least for you (if you disagree, @jude1337, say it and I'll move it back).
Hong Kong has lisdexamfetamine as a prescription medication.

In EU maybe Ireland will work for you (non-dom for low tax overall, close connections with US).
While Adderall is not legal in EU, there are some substitutes that are usually prescribed instead, so it might be worth checking if they work for you.
P.S. Stay strong man, ADHD is not a joke, hope you'll manage OK.
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I hope this belongs in this section. If not, I'm sorry. If you want to start with “ADHD/autism does not exist”, please just let it be

So here's the issue
I have ADHD and autism and I rely on Adderall to get me through the day.

Now the time is approaching when countries like Cyprus and Malta become more interesting. Unfortunately, my place of residence also depends on whether I can get my medication. I had done some research and read that it is very difficult to get Adderall in Malta and Cyprus. Ritalin/Medikinet is more likely to be prescribed there. I had taken both for 6 years and couldn't cope with it at all. Only Adderall works best for me.

Now my question is, do you know any countries where it can be prescribed, or do you know people who have similar concerns and how they have solved them?

Organizing an official certificate from my psychiatrist is not a problem. I had also read on Reddit that you can have things sent to you very easily, let's say ;). But I don't want that. I'm a guest in the country at the end of the day and have to abide by the laws. And you don't have to take the risk if there are other solutions
Check Thailand - I believe it can.

I grew up with Asperger’s autism and AdHD (was dexamphetamine I think they prescribed as addedall / Ritalin was too weak) - stopped taking at 16 and never looked back.

Ironically I grew away from adhd - great for mind mapping though - I have a lot of respect for people that make a success of life with it - so well done

Ref Thailand it’s local don’t prescribe from out of country

I hope this belongs in this section. If not, I'm sorry. If you want to start with “ADHD/autism does not exist”, please just let it be

So here's the issue
I have ADHD and autism and I rely on Adderall to get me through the day.

Now the time is approaching when countries like Cyprus and Malta become more interesting. Unfortunately, my place of residence also depends on whether I can get my medication. I had done some research and read that it is very difficult to get Adderall in Malta and Cyprus. Ritalin/Medikinet is more likely to be prescribed there. I had taken both for 6 years and couldn't cope with it at all. Only Adderall works best for me.

Now my question is, do you know any countries where it can be prescribed, or do you know people who have similar concerns and how they have solved them?

Organizing an official certificate from my psychiatrist is not a problem. I had also read on Reddit that you can have things sent to you very easily, let's say ;). But I don't want that. I'm a guest in the country at the end of the day and have to abide by the laws. And you don't have to take the risk if there are other solutions
Just checked with a friend who also uses ADHD meds in Cyprus. He uses Ritalin. Adderall is not legally available in Cyprus.