Opinions needed, do you see any issues in this setup?
Operations company: Incorporated in a territorial tax jurisdiction. e.g Singapore, Hong Kong or Panama
Controller/Active Director: Based in 0% corporate tax Jurisdiction. e.g BVI, Isle of Man
Shareholder (Natural Person): Tax resident in 0% dividend tax jurisdiction. e.g Qatar, Bahamas
I understand that the company might as well be in BVI / Isle of Man etc, but opening a bank account would be impossible.
I know that there are many unknowns such as type of business, but correct me if i am wrong, in most cases, this would be 0% tax, from corporate profit to shareholder income through dividend?
Opinions needed, do you see any issues in this setup?
Operations company: Incorporated in a territorial tax jurisdiction. e.g Singapore, Hong Kong or Panama
Controller/Active Director: Based in 0% corporate tax Jurisdiction. e.g BVI, Isle of Man
Shareholder (Natural Person): Tax resident in 0% dividend tax jurisdiction. e.g Qatar, Bahamas
I understand that the company might as well be in BVI / Isle of Man etc, but opening a bank account would be impossible.
I know that there are many unknowns such as type of business, but correct me if i am wrong, in most cases, this would be 0% tax, from corporate profit to shareholder income through dividend?
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