
  1. What categories belong under e-commerce?

    I have gathered the below list from the web and was wondering if these fall under high risk or if they are main stream so Stripe, PayPal and 2Co (only to mention the biggest payment processors) can be used? Clothing & Apparel Footwear & Shoes Electronics & Gadgets Games & Toys Veterinary & Pet...
  2. N

    Looking for a payment gateway system for a replica store.

    Hey, I'm currently in the makes of a online store and have developers working on making a self-hosted replica store. I am currently running into 1 problem, and its the most important one. I have contacted many payment gateway system companies and none of them want to work because of the...
  3. A

    Adsense and affiliate blogs

    I need a partner for Adsense and affiliate blogs. I have spare time to setup blogs but I need a partner who can afford to purchase articles and software subscription. We split affiliate/Adsense revenues or after selling the blog