venture capital

  1. Question Hard/Expensive Problems for These Businesses/Sectors/Subjects?

    Anyone with direct/indirect experience insights in the following businesses/sectors/subjects: Investment Banks Venture Capital Funds Energy Commodities Trading Government Contracts I'm surveying to pin down the top 2-3 currently prevalent hard/expensive problems faced by each. Comments/input...
  2. Offshore Crypto VCC

    Hello everyone. I would like to set up an offshore venture capital fund for crypto. This will be my first endeavors doing this and I’m looking for service provides as well as to recommendations for structures and how to do this. I’m a non-us non-eu citizen and will be living in Cyprus next year.
  3. P

    Luxembourg Alternative Investment Fund Costs

    Hi all, I am working as an intern within a European VC. We are looking to raise our second fund ($25m-$50m) and domicile within Luxembourg. Does anyone have any information on the cost of setting up a fund, preferably starting as a RAIF (due to fast speed to market) and then converting into...
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    European Alternative Investment Fund Domiciles

    Hi All, I am currently an intern with a European VC. I've been tasked with comprising a report on European domiciles for a new fund (below 100m Euros). I've been looking at Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Estonia. I wondered if any experienced professionals have some insight on European...