uk company

  1. What to do ? (Can't open a business bank acc.)

    Hi guys it's been a while since I visited your forum. Well, I am in a strange position and loosing patience - to cut long story short - I am an "EU citizen" and have set up a company in the UK (ltd.). Right now I am desperately looking for some solutions to open business bank account. Company...
  2. J


    Dear Auditors, We need to know the different between LP and LLP in terms of Taxation. or on the other hands what about taxation in UK for non-resident and non- citizen of UK. Thank you
  3. J

    Tax exemption in HK/UK

    Dear all, How to proof to the authority that we are operating out of HK/UK. in order to get tax exemption? in another words, how to get tax exception from HK/UK company? Thanks
  4. J

    Is UK tax free or 20% on profits?

    Dear Gurus, Usually agents trying to misleading you establishing an off shore company in UK. one agent said it is a tax free 2nd agent said it is a 20% Would you please explain us where is the truth?
  5. J

    UK business activity without license's

    Dear All, Curious on which company activity we could have in order to operate without License in UK. Please share your thoughts and opinions?
  6. I want to avoid to charge VAT from my local company, how?

    Hello, My plan is to incorporate a company in Europe somewhere where it is cheap and where it looks legit. I consider a UK company registered with darks to avoid anyone to trace it back to me! However, I see that it has to go to the HMRC in the UK in order to get a VAT number and where they...