uae company formation

  1. I


    Hi all, new here. I'm currently in the process of forming a FZ company doing ecommerce, marketing, consulting and IT sercvices. (have my eyes on DIC, open to suggestions where you think is best) My brother has a mainland company. Wondering how or what way can we share/transfer profits/revenue...
  2. Dubai Company Registration all about to setup your business in the UAE

    UAE Company Registration is a great choice when you want to set-up an offshore company in the Middle East. The United Arab Emirates, particularly Dubai, offers the Dubai Free Zone Registration. It is a business capital, and setting up a company there can bring you benefits. Here is a breakdown...
  3. O

    BVI vs UAE (Freezone)

    Hi I'm finding the BVI & UAE Freezone comanies to be both great solutions for an ecommerce business. But the UAE is a lot more expensive when it comes to annual renewals. Was just hoping for peoples opnions on this. Is the UAE now seen as more respectable maybe? Banking isn't an issue these...
  4. Relaible UAE company formation provider?

    I'm following this forum close and read most of the threads about the UAE and the company setup there, I can only find one or two providers of offshore companies in Dubai and the UAE generally. Can you please post links and names to services you have used or know are trusted to setup companies...
  5. UAE to start sharing individual and legal entities data! CRS!

    I was wondering why no one has comment or even posted about this before. Today I sumbled upon an article (see link below) where it says that the UAE is starting to share individual and legal entities data (CRS) starting here in 2018! This means no privacy and reporting to your local tax auth...
  6. What is best jurisdiction or region in UAE for company?

    I want to know what is the best and cheapest region or jurisdiction in the UAE for getting a Company setup without to pay tax!???? I have a simple online business selling services. I don't want to go there and I don't want to speak with anyone there just get a Company registered there in...