
  1. Living in home country with a Trust?

    Lately I saw many people I talked to in a chat having similar setup: Let’s say an Australian person with a Australian company (doing ecom) The company is owned by the trust. The trust pays the guy. Now I don’t have great expertise in trusts but I would like to learn more about this tool...
  2. Owning assets in the EU through the trust

    Does Cook Islands Trust would protect your assets in the EU from seizure? I don't think so. Tate's assets in the West were seized, and his Bugatti is still in Dubai. His assets outside of the EU, UK, and US are probably fine sitting in the Cook Islands trusts.
  3. B

    Explain Trusts like I'm 5

    Hi, Can anyone explain Trusts like I'm 5 year old - structure, real life day to day usage, requirements, cons, pros, and costs vs a company. Thanks :)