territorial tax

  1. EOR to Avoid US Self-Employment Tax...?

    US Citizen, commission-only remote sales person Suppose residency in territorial tax country (Panama, Paraguay etc) Use Employer of Record service > invoice companies I sell on behalf of, for the monthly commission amounts > companies pay invoices to EOR > EOR pays me as their "employee"...
  2. W

    US LLC + territorial tax country -> cashout to hk/sg personal bank account

    Would it be possible to, 1.Setup US non resident LLC + corporate banking infra to cashout crypto holdings. 2.Establish tax residency in a territorial tax country (Taiwan) 3.Remit from US corporate account to a personal bank account either in HK or SG. Would this work for someone that...
  3. M

    US LLC + territorial tax

    I see many people recommending a setup where you have a US LLC + live in a territorial tax country and then pay 0% tax while getting all the benefits of having an American company. But where exactly would that be? It's easy to find a list of these territorial tax countries but it seems like...
  4. P

    Renounced US Citizenship, living in Paraguay, eCommerce setup with a business partner

    As the title states, I'm an ex-US citizen who moved to Paraguay and now wants to setup a Shopify store (private label apparel) with a business partner who's also living in Paraguay. The store will sell mostly to US customers. I don't think my biz partner and I can set up a US LLC and have pass...
  5. B

    HK company + residency in territorial or no tax country.

    Hi, Can someone help we clarify if I am correct here? Let's say that you operate an offshore business with an HK or BVI company (therefore not taxable) and you reside (and receive your salary in Panama (for instance) or Dubai. Does that means that you pay zero corporate taxes and zero incomes...
  6. Company for Territorial Tax Country

    Hi, If I get tax residency in a territorial tax country such as Panama or Costa Rica, what would be the best option for exempting my income from taxes? Would the best option be to start a company in a foreign country and pay myself a salary/dividends? If so, which countries have no corporate...