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tax residency certificate

  1. L

    Theoretical: Citizen by Birth, Alien by Law

    Hello everyone, today I had an epiphany when I woke up. It's probably a really stupid idea, yet it might be a practical approach for those who are looking to lighten the burden of the state on their shoulders given the right conditions. Let's talk about Johnny. Johnny lives in country A (A is...
  2. B

    UAE tax residency for 140 days?

    Hello, thank you everyone for that forum - it’s the most valuable forum I have ever read. I lived 277 days in the UAE in 2022 as an LLC owner, but after 9% tax has been announced I decided to close my LLC and lost residency visa. In 2023 year I have lived 128 days in the UAE without residency...
  3. T

    Do states have to accept Tax Residence Certificates of another country if they have a DTA with each other??

    Hi, I am looking for an answer if other states have to accecpt TRCs if they have a DTA with each other? For example: I live in a country which does not create TRCs with a special remark. Spain is asking for: Here is an example how this looks: Any experience on that topic?
  4. nomad999

    Any way to claim tax residency in Malaysia on a "tourist" visa ?

    Anyone familiar with Malaysia would be so kind as to share some insight on claiming tax residency past the 183 days requirement ? What would be the best way to achieve that without a working visa but a mere "Social Pass" visa (extended indefinitely with the covid circus) for the year 2020 ? I...
  5. D

    Quick and cheap way to move tax residency to another EU country

    Let's say Bob has tax residency in France and wants to move it to a different EU country. The main idea is to get rid legally of tax residency in France in a quick and cheap way, so the new country should provide all needed paperwork/certifcates to report France tax authorities with no pain...
  6. B

    Tax Residency. How to prove?

    Hey guys, As a newbie in this question, I wanted to ask you: 1) what can be a proof of tax residency for the company? Will Nominee Director will be enough to proof that the effective management based for example in Singapore (or any other low tax country)? Even though its other directors...
  7. JohnK

    Need a tax residency certificate how?

    I need to know how I can obtain a tax residency certificate for a Cyprus company? For my new business I plan to register a Cyprus company and my CPA told me that I would be better if I can obtain a tax residency certificate for the company for tax planning purpose.