tax reporting

  1. Incompetent Accountant Didn't Report my Income - What to do?

    I moved to Italy in 2021 and got into the Impatriati regime (90% tax exemption). I got an accountant, and ever since pay him €4000 per year. In 2021 he opened a Ditta Individuale for my online business. He said that for the invoices, if my clients were not from Italy, I could issue PDF...
  2. M

    CRS depository accounts reporting

    Hello Forum Members, I am reaching out to gain a better understanding of the reporting requirements for depository accounts under the AEOI and CRS frameworks. The CRS documentation refers to "The total amount of gross interest paid or credited to the account in the calendar year or other...
  3. CRS and reporting under 10K Euro!

    I have seen many threads and posts around CRS and reporting accounts under 10K euros. People ask: Is there a lower limit for when the banks report to the tax authorities? Will my account information be reported to the IRS if I do not use my offshore account? Will my account be reported if I...
  4. Tax Reporting Standard AML5 and Now AML6 Explained – Everything You Need to Know

    While not new at all, the AML5 – a directive for anti-money laundering operations – is a challenge for many financial institutions and businesses. Many of these institutions are not even fully aware of it or what it actually implies. Before even getting fully implemented by everyone, a new...
  5. Any country left in this world that does not comply to FATCA?

    Is there a country left that does not comply to the FATCA reporting? I tried to search a little but can't find anything evidence that this or that country does not report!