tax authorities

  1. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    I'm trying to get a clear understanding of how FATCA affects non-resident LLCs and their beneficial owners, especially regarding automatic exchanges of information between the U.S. and countries that have signed Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs). I know personal accounts with over $10 in...
  2. Exposed: EU's Secret Wealth Grab! Is Your Money Safe?

    Check out our latest video discussing the European Union's new directive targeting unexplained wealth. While it may seem straightforward, there's more to it than meets the eye. Join us at OffshoreCorpTalk as we uncover the hidden agenda behind this directive and its potential impact on...
  3. F

    Moved to Swiss - German Tax man is after me.

    Hi guys, short story long. Moved from Germany to Swiss. Declared my tax according to the rules in Germany . Without going into the details, had a very profitable thing going on the side (lets say 3MM$ in profits). In that year 1MM$ were made in Swiss the rest 2MM$ in Germany (on the same year)...
  4. Threatening letter from UK bank

    Hi all :) I just received a letter from my ex offshore UK bank in Gibraltar and it said that if I dont provide any TAX infos they will send a request to the authorities under which the adrress of the account was. A little context, the bank throw me out in October after 15 years because of the...
  5. CRS and reporting under 10K Euro!

    I have seen many threads and posts around CRS and reporting accounts under 10K euros. People ask: Is there a lower limit for when the banks report to the tax authorities? Will my account information be reported to the IRS if I do not use my offshore account? Will my account be reported if I...