swiss company formation

  1. Everything You Need To Know About Swiss Company Formation Procedures – Full Guide

    Switzerland is one of the leading countries when it comes to incorporating companies. It has an excellent reputation, low taxes and notoriety for its security and high quality standards. It has always been neutral and linked to other countries in terms of economics, which guarantees the fact...
  2. I need a Swiss GmBH in Lugano or Zug, who can help?

    I open this thread because I have made a decision to establish a Swiss GmBH in Lugano or Zug, no where else and the decision is made, no need to tell what other cantons may be better for this or the other reasons, but thanks. Who is the reliable and trusted company service provider for Swiss...
  3. J

    List of Swiss bank that accept a foreign company?

    Dear All gurus. Swiss is a well known for best banking system. but mainly they are for private clients. what about corporate. if you know a good bank accept a foreign company. please share it. Thank you
  4. What is required to form anonymous Swiss GmBH or AG ?

    I was wondering if it is possible to setup a anonymous Switzerland company - AG or GmbH never mind which one ? I have read on some threads that it is possible but no one mentioning what is required to do so and where it is possible to setup the company like that? Is it very expensive compared...
  5. Swiss GmbH and AG or other company type new capital requirements?

    Hello, I was wondering what Capital requirements there are for a Sitzerland GmbH and AG and if there are any other types like Cerotax or Einzelfirma available? I plan to move permanent to Switzerland for some time and want to establish my business there with the lowest possible corporate and...