
  1. D

    Question SpectroCoin > Transferwise?

    Hello, This is my First Post in this awesome forum :D After couple days research is my conclusion valid: For e-Residency Estonian company that wants to offer Crypto Payments to the customers and has Transferwise account is this the best option: 1. Customer comes to the website 2. Pays with...
  2. any SpectroCoin Experience with High TRX?

    does any1 use SpectroCoin? what's your take? does they freeze accounts? and what about their personal IBAN .. who claimed? thnx
  3. Spectrocoin and reporting / CRS do they do?

    The title almost say it all, does Spectrocoin report account balance under CRS and other international s**t rules?
  4. Spectrocoin the APP and website, good and bad!

    Damn I'm so fucking tired of s**t services like SpectroCoin that have no clue about how to design a website and app that works. Tried for several days to get verified, as soon as you use their shitty verification system the app and website struggle to continue. Anyone has a good alternative to...