
  1. U

    Forex Trading for Indian Individual

    Hi all, I have looked up on A LOT of information on the internet so far and still feel lost and confused about offshore companies. As an Indian citizen and resident, forex trading is illegal. I would like to invest/trade in Forex market as I have been doing good in Forex trading since last...
  2. Review of All About Offshore (Seychelles)

    Hi guys, Just wanted to quickly see if anyone here had any experience with this company? Their website is Offshore company - offshore company online - affordable formation services . Someone here had mentioned them to me a while ago but only just now looking at trying them out. Thanks!
  3. Best EMI for Seychelles

    Hello, I just formed a legal Seychelles company. Which EMI can you recommend for Seychelles IBC ?
  4. H

    The best bank for Seychelles company?

    Hello, Can you please recommend me a bank for Seychelles company with whom you have good experience? I was using LeuPay / LeoPay, but they closed my account as many others here.. I need a bank account in Euro, if you also know about some bank account in a CZK currency, let me know. Thank...
  5. K

    What's the best setup for online investing (IB) with offshore corp?

    Hello, I have a particular problem that I believe many have already solved because I read here many of you are already doing the same thing. Basically I want to open a corporate investing account with Interactive Brokers and invest my company money to earn interest. I have a Seychelles IBC...
  6. Tax Planning Malaysian Citizen

    Hi everyone, My current situation is like this: I am a citizen here and own a sole proprietorship in Malaysia doing business (IT) with foreign clients, so profits are remitted from outside Malaysia. I pay tax to the Malaysian equivalent of the IRS, so no problem with this. I also have a...
  7. M

    Agent / provider for Seychelles IBC

    Hi guys, Who has any experience with an agent / provider for setting up a Seychelles IBC? Or any place where they can be reviewed? I see many providers around there, want to be sure to choose for the best. Many thanks, mimi
  8. N

    Seychelles company where to open offshore bank account

    I currently work for a company in Seychelles. I am going to open offshore bank accounts for corporation. where would be the best bank?
  9. M

    What does LeuPay report to whom (CRS)?

    Dear members, Newbie here, getting into international tax regulations. I want to add LeuPay as bankaccount to a Seychelles IBC, but register the LeuPay account as resident in The Netherlands. I don't live in the Netherlands anymore and am an expat in Africa. However, does LeuPay report what...
  10. R

    Seychelles CSL & EU holding v Foundation & IBC

    Hi guys, I’m a newbie to this and spent the week reading through the threads –really fascinating (I read the Seychelles CSL one, the Seychelles foundation and the UBO v foundation). I am hesitating on a structure for my needs and I would love to get your feedback. The goal is to minimise tax...
  11. M

    Expat from Europe to Africa, offshore account Seychelles

    Dear all, Soon I will be moving to Africa where I will receive a normal salary. In Europe, however, I'm receiving salary for Consultancy purposes. I would like to set up an IBC at the Seychelles to invoice that consultancy part. My questions: - Is that easy to do without visiting and being...
  12. O

    Low cost IBC and Bank Acc - Privacy not so important

    Hi guys, Hoping for some advice on my situation, I know similar questions have been asked before, but everyone's situation is slightly different. I currently own a wholesale distribution company in Australia and we are looking at setting up an offshore trading company to purchase goods...
  13. S

    Seychelles holding - Cyprus limited: Relationship

    I've read about people that are using a holding in the Seychelles to reduce the taxes on their income with the Cyprus limited. Can somebody explain how that works exactly? -Is it that the holding sends invoices to the Cyprus limited (For rights, domain leasing etc.)? -Or is it some kind of...
  14. Perfect setup: Offshore company with second passport

    Hello, I'm exploring some options for a worryfree setup. I have passport in country A-HOME (EU). My residence is also here. I get a passport in country B-SECOND (in Europe but outside of EU). I open a Seychelles company (with nominees) and provide my passport and papers for my B-SECOND...
  15. offshore structure for IT consultant in EU with EU clients

    This forum is great, this is my first post. I’m looking to establish an offshore structure to bill for IT consultancy services in Europe (in my own country of residence). I don’t want my name to appear anywhere on any contract towards the clients. So a nominee director is a must. I'm thinking...
  16. F

    Solution to run Amazon business through offshore company with means of recieving payments

    I have been following several related threads but wanted to start my own to see if someone has a practical solution: I wish to setup an pro seller account. I wish for the payments to be taken by Payoneer because I am not in the US and this seems like a practical solution. I would...
  17. Starting an internatinoal investment company

    Lads/lasses, I've been toying with the idea of starting an investment company and looking for a little info. Basically I already invest globally on my own (through my IBC) and I get pretty good returns. I'm looking to offer this to friends/family initially with a goal of eventually offering to...