
  1. Current solutions for SEPA account with US LLC

    Hello, in your experience, what solutions are there currently as a good way to get a SEPA account for a US LLC and/or get a good Wise alternative for it?
  2. T


    Hey everyone, I'm on the lookout for a SEPA (EU based EMI) current account that can be opened online by non-EU citizens and non-EU residents, without needing an EU residence permit or a tax code from any EU country. Also, I'm looking for options that work for people from countries outside the...
  3. Advcash - SEPA

    03 February 2024 ❗️SEPA transfers temporarily unavailable Please note that SEPA deposits and withdrawals are temporarily not available for both personal and business accounts. Unfortunately, our SEPA provider informed us that their processing facilities have been disconnected from the SEPA...
  4. M

    Question Advise on EUR withdrawals

    Hello, I've been using OSCT forum as a ghost reader for a long time and here I am sending my first post, love to be part of this awesome community ! I'm originally from Iran and also having EU citizenship and using crypto, usually stablecoins as a cheap and fast method to transfer my own funds...
  5. F

    How to open bank account with Portuguese IBAN without visiting Portugal?

    I need to have a bank account in Portugal but I can't visit the country right now. Is it possible to open a bank account in Portugal over the internet? I have Portuguese nationality if that helps. EMIs that offer Portuguese SEPAs would also work I think. Thanks in advance.
  6. F

    Question How to receive Onlyfans payments living in Venezuela?

    Many EMIs and online banks don't work with Venezuela's residents. I found some fintechs that offer IBAN accounts to their users but I am not sure if they allow Onlyfans. The one I have found that work in Venezuela are Paysera, Bankera and Quppy. I haven't been able to confirm my residence...
  7. B

    "TransferWISE" missing SEPA transfer (50K eur)

    Hello folks, We have a customer who sent us a transfer of 50K EUR through transferwise to our bank account (not wise account), the transfer was more than 15 days ago and we didn't receive it yet. Wise confirms that the transfer is done and now in the receiving bank and our bank said we didn't...
  8. G

    Bank/EMI account for P2P and Crypto Exchanges transfers (100K euro a day)

    Hello, this is my first post. I am happy I have found this forum, hope to resolve my issue....soo I am looking for bank/EMI account: to recieve P2P payments from my clients to send money to crypto exchanges that offers SEPA Instant transfers with really low fees accept my activity as a normal...
  9. M

    SEPA banks for a non-resident

    what Best SEPA banks for a non-resident in Europe. Any suggestions??
  10. SEPA to SWIFT gateways

    Hello members :) I have several clients dealing with financial services and acting as financial institutions. All of them are HK, Singapore, Brazil and South Africa registered. They have opened Sepa and Swift accounts for processing clients funds (accounts are non-dedicated for their clients...
  11. I

    sepa bank acc for receive money

    Hi, i finding guy who create me sepa bank acc for receiving transfers from IPTV service and i will give you 10% and u will send me 90% in BTC. If someone intersted contact me and post your telegram
  12. M

    iban SEPA for non-resident

    Hello dear sir, I have a concern and I will need your help, I am a self-employed person, and most of my services are in Europe, however, I am limited in my activities given my geographical location, because I live in West Africa, I would like someone to help me find a bank where I can have an...
  13. S

    Which Payment System give EUR IBAN for Crypto related Payments online?

    Hi, Like transferwise is there is any other crypto friendly service, where you can get your virtual EUR IBAN to receive SEPA payments?
  14. Is Leopay still working with old account holders ?

    Hello, As some of you know, Leopay (leupay) they changed their policy in regards to what countries they accept to do business with. I was using my account & their credit card for quite sometime until i received their email about this policy change on October 2018 saying that my account will be...
  15. A

    Any SEPA country/bank left for transactional Hong Kong company ?

    My Hong Kong company (owner&director=EU citizen, non-dom Malta resident) recently lost an Eastern-European bank account, due to being non-resident there (it now all of a sudden requires local tax number / local branch registration in that country or otherwise absolute rejection/closure). It is...
  16. Transfers outside SEPA

    Could somebody advise EMI, which provide a possibility to send money outside SEPA (e.g. Serbia, Ukraine etc.) and the sender will be the Company (not the name of EMI)? Transferwise support said, that they give such possibility. Anybody tried? As I understand Mistertango can't do this. To...
  17. T

    Bank account for Montenegro company and swift fees

    Hello people! Thank you for nice forum, many very useful topics here. I have been considering Montenegro company lately for many different reasons. However, I keep thinking about banking fees. While it seems relatively cheap and easy to open the bank accoutn in Montenegro, it seems expensive...