secret offshore bank account

  1. L


    Hello, I am employed in Luxembourg and my employer want to give a bonus to me. He mentioned to me that he can do it to me personally (via Luxembourg or via another company located in an off or on shore jurisdiction such as jersey, UK etc...). Due to the high level of taxation on bonus in...
  2. D

    Looking for best way to receive money

    Hello guys nice to meet you. This is my case and I hope I could find the best options with your experiences or your knowledge. I'm a digital marketer (doing blackhat) I'm based in Mexico I need to receive international transfers with the following payment methods: SWIFT PAYPAL BITCOIN My...
  3. U

    How to open offshore account secretly?

    Can someone explain to me how to open a secret offshore bank account? I would like to know how I can get the money out of the bank account without to pay tax or that someone know that I own the bank account!! It is important that I can relay on the bank that they will not exchange my...