Hello guys and gals,
I've recently been presented with an extremely lucrative business opportunity due to the dire humanitarian / financial situation in Lebanon, however I'm having quite a bit of trouble (and lack of connections) in making it work.
What I'm looking for (if it even exists) is a...
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A growing number of politicians and activists are calling for Dubai to be blacklisted: The Observer.
8 European Parliament members signed an open letter to a European Commissioner...
Hummmmmm...full article in link below
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ZURICH, March 4 (Reuters) - A Swiss member of parliament has filed a criminal complaint against Credit Suisse, he told...
Having seen whats happened to people in Russia and Russian nationals living abroad, where does one think they should keep their wealth to prepare for arbitrary future sanctions?
How badly will AdvCash be hit by the Russian sactions? I didn't see any discussion about it as of yet.
They are located in Russia and for that reason they may not be able to conduct their business as usual or how are they dealing with it?
Maybe @ADV can help calrify?
So, just this morning the bank of Lithuania imposed a €110,000 fine on UAB ConnectPay for AML/TF infringements
Bank of Lithuania imposed a €110,000 fine on UAB ConnectPay for AML/TF infringements
Seems like just a few larger EMI's have been without any fines now in Lithuania such as Paysera...