
  1. G

    How does AML reporting work?

    Recently a bank asked me to provide them justification for transactions I made from my personal investment account a company account though the checking account of the bank. If I prove them that I am the owner of the source account (investment account) and tell them it's a loan to the company...
  2. CRS any minimum limit before reporting?

    Is there is a minimum limit for when they must report an account to the tax authorities ? Can't see any info about it before and was searching various places without luck!
  3. Any country left in this world that does not comply to FATCA?

    Is there a country left that does not comply to the FATCA reporting? I tried to search a little but can't find anything evidence that this or that country does not report!
  4. Reporting to country where I don’t live

    hi guys, I have two citizenship : number 1 and number 2. I live in country number 2. What if I open a company and a corporate bank account in a third country where I don’t live and I don’t have citizenship using my ID papers from country number 1 where I don’t live? The bank will report to...
  5. E

    ATM withdrawal information processing

    If a person who is resident of country X uses a debit card to withdraw large amounts in country X from his or her offshore account, will country X somehow get this info? Let us say the person uses bank ATMs of 3 banks to withdraw this money. These bank ATMs obviously see this information that...