I don't speak Italian, single, and have no obligations other than my dog which I want to take with me. For personal reason Lugano is the perfect match, I found several good homes for rental there.
Now I wonder if it is possible to find some English or German (prefer) speaking person you pay to...
I was researching a little to enter the UK with wife, and two children under the age of 18. After talk forth and back with some immigration lawyers in the UK they wold me the following:
Now I got curious and it came to my mind if that would be the same possible way to relocate to the USA if I...
I got inspired by the mentor group thread here
Sorry @EliasIT hope it is okay to refer to your thread! Someone in there suggested that relocating to Monaco is an option with +200K EUR in...
Is there any European country where you can rent some sort of appartment (very small) just to use as an address to provide to your current country when you signoff and relocate ?
There are plenty of websites if you Google but most of them are ghost sites or somply poor s**t.
It is not every single day that you find a country with literally no taxes at all and a citizenship program based on blockchain technology – pretty much like cryptocurrencies.
It sounds like a country of the future, but the truth is Liberland is an exception among all other countries out there...
You might have heard of Vanuatu in your offshore adventure – it is often rated to be a tax haven with plenty of advantages for foreigners. However, most people have no clue where to locate it on the map, and it makes perfect sense – Vanuatu has become famous only recently.
A simple visit to...
Digital nomads used to be considered the luckiest people in the world – work online and travel around the world as you do it. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, more and more people turned to work from home, and it actually worked well.
Homeschooling also became an option, so the trend is...