property offshore company

  1. K


    Hello, Does anyone of you have any experience with buying property with BTC in Dubai? Any trystworthy websites or companies that offer this kind of services in Dubai or whole UAE? There are bunch of them online but not sure what is real and what is not. Any one?
  2. Buying property with an offshore shell company

    Hello. I'm a bit new to all this offshore stuff, but I'm planning on opening an offshore shell company in Belize or Seychelles, and I'd like to know if I could buy property with them? For example, could I anonymously buy a house with my shell company's name here in America? Same thing with cars...
  3. C

    How to transform crypto into properties ?

    Hi, In 2017 I made multi millions $ in crypto and I'm looking for a strategy to buy properties in Europe and in some places I like around the world. Early 2018 I cut bridge with my home country and I currently stay in the UK where my plan is to ask the remittance basis regim of taxation...
  4. V

    Offshore for real estate

    Which is the best offshore solution for buying and holding real estate for many years? Thank you.
  5. G

    How to buy property with offshore company?

    Hello, I want to know how I can buy property with a offshore company? Will they send me a permission to trade on behalf of the company?