payment processor

  1. Need good payment processor for offshore company?

    I'm into some regular business selling fashion so it's nothing illegal or nasty stuff just simple eCommerce. Do you know what good payment processor there is available for an offshore company, say in Cyprus or Belize? I need some company that we can trust large sums not some shady small...
  2. What payment processor for normal online biz?

    Hi, I was just wondering what payment processor do accept Online business similar to selling ebooks, SEO services and marketing tools? As I understand it's not considered high risk and PayPal accepted my business so I would say I can use all good payment processor but only need to know which...
  3. Setting up your own Merchant Account

    Merchant Accounts One of the first things to consider when you plan to sell your products or services online is the type of payment methods to offer your customers. For increased sales and to attract a larger section of the market it makes common sense to accept credit card payments. Gone are...