
  1. How do you rate Paxum?

    What's your thoughts on The website looks similar to ePayments back in time, they are into high risk businesses and accept me for a business most rejected.
  2. H

    Question Withdraw money from Paxum USD account

    Hello, I need to withdraw 30000 usd from my paxum business USD account. - I can't wire it in euro because Paxum apply its own USD/Euro exchange rate. The best solution would be to wire it in USD. - They don't allow wire to EMI like Transferwise USD account. - Paxum Wire in USD are only...
  3. What do you think about paxful to buy bitcoins?

    I just signed up for Buy bitcoin instantly | Paxful - they advertise it's possible to by BTC without to verify your account first! Is that possible? As a crypto wallet how would you rate this provider, relible or take care? Any input is much appreciated eek¤%&