With the many threads popping up on OCT about how to get an US bank account as an non resident of the USA, I thought this Non-US Entrepreneurs: You Can Sell Products into the US without Paying US Tax - U.S Tax Services may be of interest for a few of you guys.
Actually it seems there is a...
I just saw an AD from Google from this company New US Company & Bank Account Opened Remotely - Mountain Bus Ctr is this fake?
From all what I have read so far it is only stripe.com/atlas that can open real us bank account's and that's even not in your name but in the name of some staff member...
I have plenty of money to get an US account but the first 2 people that told me they were able to help me get an account just took my money and run. Never heard a single word from them again.
Do you know of any good provider of US bank accounts for personal or business use?
If I have to...