open us bank account

  1. US Bank Account some information for non US residence

    With the many threads popping up on OCT about how to get an US bank account as an non resident of the USA, I thought this Non-US Entrepreneurs: You Can Sell Products into the US without Paying US Tax - U.S Tax Services may be of interest for a few of you guys. Actually it seems there is a...
  2. Some advertisie with US Bank account is it fake?

    I just saw an AD from Google from this company New US Company & Bank Account Opened Remotely - Mountain Bus Ctr is this fake? From all what I have read so far it is only that can open real us bank account's and that's even not in your name but in the name of some staff member...
  3. Open real US bank account how ?

    I have plenty of money to get an US account but the first 2 people that told me they were able to help me get an account just took my money and run. Never heard a single word from them again. Do you know of any good provider of US bank accounts for personal or business use? If I have to...