open offshore account

  1. Cameron business accepted in offshores?

    I have a prospect from Cameron - Africa, he intends to open an offshore trade firm, are Africans accepted in safe heaven? I trade from the Cayman Island, but don't think they will let him open a bank account, even with all merchandise declared regular. Any suggestion where we could help him...
  2. Where is it possible to setup a real offshore bank account?

    There are a lot of discussions on this forum already about offshore bank account opening. Anyway, most of these discussion turn into a lot of bull s**t with no direct answer to what our options are. Either people say they can help or they post a lot of nonsense about tax rules and other stuff...
  3. need bank account offshore for subscription business

    Hi, Thank's for this wonderful forum and it's existence, I have been around for long time but this is my first post. I run a subscription business you know people find my service find it good and the sign up for my product which has to be renewed each year to keep getting updates and support...