online banks

  1. Best bank account (no EMI) for an UK LTD

    Hi to all, What bank would you select for an UK LTD? Not an EMI. EUR account, USD option. Online application. Thanks in advance.
  2. M

    EMIs and US Citizens

    I've noticed that many EMIs say they do not provide service to the USA. Which of the following is represents what they really mean: a) We don't provide service to US citizens. If a US citizen owns a non-US company, we can help you b) We don't provide service to US citizens, regardless of the...
  3. List of EMI and Digital Banks

    <<snipped spam>> --- Electronic Money Institutions (E-Money Institution, EMI) are a new era in banking with a focus on remote services, mobile apps, and streamlines, simple services. The most noteworthy examples are probably Paysera, LeuPay, and N26. Most of these EMIs are riding on new EU/EEA...