offshore company

  1. E

    Question what is the purpose of offshore company?

    Kindly share your experience with us so that we understand it better.
  2. Urgent need of an offshore company - ready-made with bank

    I'm urgently need a ready-made offshore company, Seychelles, Belize, BVI, Cyprus, UK, Romanian Micro Company it doesn't matter. It must be 1 year old and it must have all papers in place. I prefer EMI already registered for the company not personal account. Someone can do it?
  3. S

    Does anyone know the cost to incorporate in Delaware?

    I am planning to incorporate my own company in Delaware (possibly an LLC). Does anyone know the cost to incorporate in Delaware? How long will it take? How much is it to do it yourself vs. hiring company formation service? What are the yearly costs associated? (ie. filing fees, etc.)
  4. Cayman, BVI or UAE for Crypto Trader

    Hi guys, I am a crypto trader in a high tax jurisdiction and looking for the best location to form a company offshore to continue trading but not in a personal capacity and only pay dividends many years in the future. I've been looking for months to find a solution/best option with regards to...
  5. Mentor Group Gold Exlusive

    MENTOR GROUP EXCLUSIVE Our Mentor Group Gold Exclusive group is the top level membership you could get from the OffshoreCorpTalk forum. The section has been recently established in order to provide a deeper insight into anything related to offshore companies and associated services. It is the...
  6. Breaking News! Recorded live Interviews with service providers - Exclusive on OffshoreCorpTalk!

    Hi everyone – we have some excellent news for all of our Mentor Group Gold friends. As you might have heard some rumors about it, we are starting a new section for those who want to find out more about our highly rated service providers. You might be familiar with the personal business threads...
  7. K

    Crypto arbitrage between indian and international exchanges

    Crypto sells at a 4 to 5 percent premium in india..ive been trying to find a way to buy crypto on international exchnages and sell it on local exchnages or p2p.. I know its not easy otherwise premium wouldnt exist but im sure some people are doing this.. Can you suggest me the Best possible...
  8. J

    Offshore company

    So I have a question let’s say I have a online business that roughly makes 50.000$ Profit a month and I really don’t like how high the tax is where am from. Could I register my online business in example Panama where you don’t have to pay tax and send it to a offshore account. And would this be...
  9. J

    Start offshore company

    Hey I would like to have some help registering a company offshore but stay 100% anonymous and I wouldn’t know what documents I would need to do that. If you would like to help me please reply
  10. O

    Moldova non-resident owned LLC company

    Hi everyone, I did some research on Moldova company formation posibilities but my absence of Russian language knowlege decrease an ability to find a proper informations. The main question is: Is it posibble in Moldova to own LLC company as non-resident a have some low-to-zero tax regime when...
  11. M

    Should I keep paying my offshore company formation company?

    Hello everyone, I own an offshore LTD company in Gibraltar, that was incorporated with the help of a company that charges annual fees. My question is simple: why should I keep paying them? Because fees are getting higher year by year (this year more than 600£). I file tax return and accounts...
  12. How to ensure management activities happen Offshore?

    Good day OCT community. I'm wondering how to legally establish management in an offshore business but am curious to know how exactly. How does this sound? 1. Assign a nominee director + shareholder 2. Send over proposals pertaining to the management, growth, and development of the...
  13. Moving To Switzerland. Best Offshore Company To Open or Structure to use?

    Hi Offshore Corp Talk members. So in the next few years, I'll be moving to Switzerland and become a resident (by marrying my partner). I want to know what's the best way to go about opening an offshore business once I move. I'm wondering: 1. Would it be a good idea to set up an offshore...
  14. W

    Create a more efficient structure

    Hi everyone, I'm going to try my luck on here as there are a few knowledgeable people on the subject. A friend of mine is looking to create a more efficient structure for their business. They are UK resident and have a UK limited company. However, their business is almost exclusively...
  15. European setup Philippines offshore company?

    Is anyone having experience to setup a company in the Philippines? I have been looking at the service provider who say they can help with the setup remote in Philippines and Singapore. How is taxation there and is UBO public anyway?
  16. Offshore company but living in France.

    Hey, I'm looking forward to opening an offshore company in Curacao but I'm living in France and I was wondering how I could give myself a salary ? From what I've seen on the internet if you open an offshore company you can't have a salary in France because you're the owner of it.. Are there any...
  17. R

    UK Tax Resident with LTD – what possible tax savings and structures?

    Straight to the point... Breakdown of the situation: Tax resident in England, UK. EEA passport. Sole shareholder, director, and employee of my limited company. Team of freelancers and virtual assistants helping day-to-day (mostly based in the Philippines). Personally involved, weekly, for high...
  18. Offshore Company - Why, when and how to start one.

    You may already be familiar with the idea of an offshore company, but the truth is things are a bit more sophisticated than they seem. There is not much to worry about though – a little education will lead you in the right direction. When dealing with certain companies and trying to find out...
  19. How to register offshore company and bank account and where?

    I want to know how it is possible in 2021 to incorporate my business in some offshore jurisdiction where: privacy is granted my name does not show up anywhere minimal accounting minimal to no tax to pay and where it is possible to open a bank account for the company or an EMI. Can someone...
  20. E

    Polish Shelf Company KRS register delay

    Dear all, I purchased as Polish shelf company in the middle of August,wasn't my first one ,but the director I employed wasn't very "professional" and I decided to go with a new agent, cheaper : ( , therefore we failed to open an account the same day so I decided to wait for the KRS register...