offshore bank account

  1. UAE expats question regarding finance

    A couple of questions regarding salary setup and taxes. Can you setup a direct deposit for salary from the company you were working for in the UAE into your US (my country) bank account? Are there any taxes associated with transferring larger amounts of money from the UAE to my US bank...
  2. Offshore bank account with insurance needed

    I need an offshore bank account that also provide insurance for certain amounts that I keep on the account. My problem is that I want to deposit a large amount of euros into a offshore bank. With all what has happened in the past then I would avoid to lose my money if we get another financial...
  3. What bank for account + credit card processing?

    Hi, Sorry for so stupid question but I have my online store ready and want to setup offshore company with bank account + credit card processing. I need a total solution the complete package so to say. Is there a bank that offer normal bank account opening and credit card processing at the same...
  4. Where To Open An Offshore Bank Account

    Regardless of your reasoning, having an offshore bank account can provide a myriad of benefits. However, a major challenge that you may have is in finding offshore bank accounts that can be trusted sources to hold your wealth until you need it. Finding the right place can make the difference...
  5. Y

    offshore company formation and bank account

    How to find an offshore company formation and bank account package that actually will work for my business needs. I have been researching a lot lately to try to find a package that helps me to achieve my goals. It seems not to be an easy task to find the right agent and the right package for...
  6. Do you know foreign account opening?

    I stumbled upon Personal was wondering if they actullay accepting foreign customers. It's a bank located in NewZealand as far as I understand they don't share information over there with European authorities. What do you know about this bank, please post or PM me they seem to be one of the...