offshore bank account opening

  1. J

    Open bank account in Cayman Island

    Dear All, We would like to open a corporate account in Cayman Island, Any recommendation?
  2. Where to offshore bank while Cyprus not work any longer?

    Now while Cyprus has banned Belize corps for Cyprus bank account opening then I would like to know what to do. So far I can only see that we have the following options in regards to EMI's LeuPay Mister Tango Revolut Wirex N26 If we want to open an account that also support crypto currency the...
  3. EMI account or Offshore bank account?

    Please vote below, what do you think Works best for your business now and in the near future, let's say NeXT 2 years! I would appreciate some comments and suggestions to EMI account providers and offshore banks.
  4. poll: What you think! Do we still need a offshore bank account?

    I was wondering what you opinion is. Most of us may have learned about EMI accounts and how easy they are to open and apply for. Do you still think it is a good idea to open a real offshore bank account?
  5. Need offshore company, offshore bank account & digital currency account?

    Hi, Sorry for my not so good English. New here, have been around for a year or so thu&¤# I want to ask, how can I setup a offshore company an offshore bank account and digital currency account all in one package? Is there a service that is offering this? In addition where would you say that...
  6. What offshore bank should i get for incoming big money.

    My "business partner" arrange to send me a HUGE swift transfer. They said it would be 7/8 digits in euro. Any recommendation, which offshore bank suit my need. Seem my partner are ready to provide with KYC / AML stuff from the sender side. Thanks.
  7. Please suggest real offshore bank account with Visa debit card and netbanking!

    Can you please suggest a real offshore bank account? I want to know where I can open what countries are available that don't require personal visit but is easy to open an account with. They should not ask many questions also not request documentation each time we do a wire transfer. Does this...