notarized utility bill

  1. Why notarized passport to setup my offshore company?

    I have a stupid question dead:-! why is my agent requesting my passport notarized? in the past it was only the utility bill that was required to be notarized or signed by a lawyer but now the passport too! Any idea why it is that?
  2. V

    Notarization services for bank account and offshore company

    Is possible to use the online notarization services to notarize the passport and the utility bill (if not in english) for opening an offshore company in Belize and a bank account in Cyprus? Thank you.
  3. KYC and Due Diligence fake package notarized where?

    I was wondering if there is any place where it is possible to get a package with all the KYC and DD documents required by the banks? The package should include every paper the banks, PayPal and other financial institutions or financial service companies require like: passport copy utility...
  4. Is it mandatory to have passport and utility bill notarized in all jurisdictions now?

    I have been shopping a Little around to find out what other options I have to incorporate my business. It should be other than Cyprus, Belize, Seychelles and Panama since I'm already either have a Company there or in the process to setup. I was looking at Dominica, Cook Islands and Vanuatu all...
  5. L

    Want to avoid notarized passport copy and util.bill for company registration?

    I want to avoid to notarize my passport and utility bill for a simple offshore company formation, do you know of an agent that is able to help with it? The problem is that I have been asking many different online services and all of them require me to get the passport and utility bill notarized...
  6. How to get certified passport and utility bill?

    I need to get my passport and utility bill certified by a notary or lawyer? How can I do that, just walk into a law firm and ask them to notarize it?