non domiciled

  1. Best Countries to Incorporate as a Maltese Non-Dom Resident?

    Hi everyone! What is the best country to incorporate an LLC for a non-dom maltese resident for a small business (<€500k turnover) that already pays more than €5k of personal income tax (employed by a maltese company)? For "best" I mean: - low cost company setup and management - no corporate...
  2. Non domiciled people tax income in the UK?

    Hey, how does being a non domiciled person in the UK work?
  3. E

    Cyprus taxation on foreign company (ltd, opaque) liquidation proceedings

    How is Cyprus treating proceedings from liquidation of foreign companies? I mean the surplus a shareholder/associate (physical person) receives from a foreign limited company subject to dissolution and liquidation. Ignoring the tax at source (which may depend on the country and DTA), which is...