
  1. Question N26 and crypto?

    I found this article on the N26.com website: What Is a Crypto Wallet? A Beginner’s Guide – N26 But I couldn't find anything related to crypto in the app. I am NOT comfortable asking them because I would "out" myself. I prefer to remain "100% ignorant" regarding crypto to the outside...
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    Question Documents requested by a Bank/EMI for Money Laundering

    If a Bank/EMI suspends/freezes a account related to a incoming transaction, they usually start to request documents, before you can access your funds again. Do you know which documents these could be? I know that it could be: - Source of funds (like a Invoice from the sender of the payment, not...
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    N26 will launch a crypto trading service.

    N26 is working with 'top-tier crypto exchanges' on new trading feature That's pretty surprising news. I heard they hated crypto in the past.
  4. Revolut - N26 - Bitcoin for people not living in Europe anymore

    Hey guys, Is there anyone out there using any electronic bank like Revolut or N26 even though they are no longer European residents? I am planning to leave Europe and I wonder if they actively check if you are still a resident or not. I could keep an active address in Europe but I guess that...
  5. Everything You Need To Know About Virtual & Prepaid Cards

    No name association, no ID required and no passport, but 100% legal – this is what you want from a fully anonymous credit card. You want to be able to use it anytime, anywhere, but you do not want to be traced. Sure, this is not really a necessity when you take your family on holiday, but there...
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    Non AEOI country banks with remote open

    Good afternoon OffshoreCorpTalk team, I was wondering if you'd know any bank which will allow to non residents to remotely open an account (just as Atlantico, Dukascopy, N26) and belonging to a Non AEOI country. I'm not sure but there are a couple of states... Albania Angola Antigua &...
  7. Questions regarding N26 tax ID and PayPal

    I have an N26 bank business account, and this morning I've received an e-mail that they've requested for my tax ID. Since Covid, I've started an online business which I haven't been legally registered for. What will happen next? If I don't file in the tax ID, is it going to be alarming? If I...
  8. Avoid CRS REPORTING with N26

    Hey offshore community, this is by no mean an advice but I noticed something very interesting with N26, they let you change your TAX resdiency country and TIN (Tax identification number) so they ask these infos to every customer and they clearly specify it's for CRS reporting reasons ( Why we...