
  1. Is Investing in Emerging Markets Worth the Risk?

    I'm thinking about investing a few hundred thousand euros somewhere I can be sure I'll get them back with a profit after some time. I haven’t figured out exactly how to go about it yet, but before I start researching, I wanted to hear your thoughts on investing in countries like: Montenegro...
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    Question INTRODUCTION - bank account opening

    Hello everybody! I'm new here, so I decided to say “Hi” and how I can be useful :) I have a substantial experience in financial consulting industry, especially in: - Company formation and corporate support in EU countries; - Bank introductions for EU/CIS region clients: • business...
  3. Offshore construction. Estonia, Montenegro, Georgia. Aimed at glocal production for royalty revenue.

    Offshore construction: Estonian OU holding of IP. UBO: 100 my natural person (NP), via E-residency. Montenegro LLC: operational company. Founder: Estonian OU. Will have Various shareholders. Will have subsidiaries or hold equity of llc's the world over. Royalties and licence-fees will be payd...
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    Bank account for Montenegro company and swift fees

    Hello people! Thank you for nice forum, many very useful topics here. I have been considering Montenegro company lately for many different reasons. However, I keep thinking about banking fees. While it seems relatively cheap and easy to open the bank accoutn in Montenegro, it seems expensive...