
  1. Monaco and Venezuela in FATF grey list

    Venezuela and Monaco have been added to a global watchdog’s “grey list” for not making enough progress to stem illicit financial flows. Monaco’s government said in a statement that it’s determined to implement the FATF’s recommendations and looking to address the issues within 18 months...
  2. Monaco Corporate Tax

    Hey guys, we all know that Monaco has 0 personal tax, but it has 33% Corporate tax, so my question is, how do people who move there avoid paying CT? Because obviously, most of them are entrepreneurs. The only way I see it is by hiring a director outside Monaco, meaning the company is not...
  3. EU pushing hard to subdue microstates... Andorra, Monaco and San Marino

    If you can't kill them, then make an offer they cannot refuse. ANDORRA AND SAN MARINO Background On 16 December 2014, the General Affairs Council authorised the opening of negotiations for an Association Agreement with Andorra, Monaco* and San Marino. The Commission took over the...
  4. What's the requirement to relocate to Monaco?

    I got inspired by the mentor group thread here Sorry @EliasIT hope it is okay to refer to your thread! Someone in there suggested that relocating to Monaco is an option with +200K EUR in...
  5. Monaco Lifestyle Bit by Bit – Everything About Living in Monaco

    Monaco is among the most cosmopolitan places in the world – you think about Monaco, and you inevitably associate it with millionaires, supercars, yachts, and models hanging around the beach. From many points of view, this is exactly what it is. Plus, it has literally no crime at all. The...
  6. Principality of Monaco...

    I would like to hear some experiences about the place, the tax system, rent market, if renting a studio in monaco but renting also a villa in La Turbie (France) to live there will cause troubles with france authorities, how do you handle the worldwide income/internatinal companies, do they check...