Just after I funded my Mister Tango account and after I have been a customer for a year without troubles then this s**t hit my mail box:
Dear Client,
As the financial institution, we have an obligation to comply with our regulators’ requirements. In order to fulfill our KYC and AML policies...
Hello Guys,
I'm the lucky customer of Mister Tango that holds EUR 3000 hostage until I provide supporting documents for the money, I exchange on a regular basis with them since a year.
Honestly, I don't care that much about the money, nor am I unable to provide documentation, but it makes me...
2 days ago I made an exchange of 650 euro to Mistertango from BTC until now the money still not hit the account. I was expecting it to be much less what I send but not that they are speculating with my money and wait until the BTC is totally down to shave the amount!
This is not good business...
What would you say, how would you rate Mister Tango EMI account compared to real bank account.
Please vote below for the use of them for a average business!