merchant account

  1. S

    [REQ] High-risk processing for subscription business

    In requirement of a high risk processor to process payments for my sweepstakes subscription business with a 6 figure monthly volume, can be US or EU based. Kindly list out the possibile solutions or hit me up, cheers!
  2. B

    Card Processor for Forex Business (Broker)

    Hello there, This is my honor to join Mentor Group Gold at this forum and would look forward to help others as far as I can with my experience in different fields. Right now, I'm looking for a card processor which accepts both VISA and Mastercard for a legit offshore registed Forex business...
  3. Simply in the UK Payment processor, someone know them?

    A forum member was the kind to refer the below payment processor, but before I just go and signup and spend time on them I would like to know if someone know them and have first hand experience? The domain was registered before 1996 but it expires Oct. 2024 and was updated...
  4. F

    Looking For a Shelf Company WITH a Merchant Account

    I'm looking to purchase a offshore company with a merchant account. Please PM me if you have any leads. Thanks :)
  5. V

    Question Ways to accept cards on my Shopify Website IN US for non USA resident?

    Hey there! I'm from Pakistan and want to operate a dropshipping website in USA. I've my LLC and EIN though no ITIN. I was using stripe before but it banned me after 3 payments as one of my customers repeatedly failed his/her CVC verification and stripe banned as a result cause it thought we...
  6. any good payment processor accept iptv outside USA

    Hello guys , any good payment processor accept iptv outside USA
  7. G

    Think I found a great solution for those that can’t seem to find payment processing - Any feedback?

    Because I’ve learned some things reading these pages, I thought I’d give something back. Hopefully it’s as good of a find as I think it is. In my late nights searching for payment processing solutions for one of my companies I came across a Turkish payment processor. As far as I can tell it’s...
  8. S

    Payment processor for prepaid gift cards

    Does anyone know of a payment processor that's willing to accept prepaid visa and amex gift cards in large quantity. I buy these cards for crypto and need to be able to redeem them. I know paypal and stripe will shut me down and I've talked to some high risk merchant processors as well who are...
  9. Seek merchant account for hard to place business?

    Hello, Long story short. We run an Internet portal which mediates contacts from wholesale companies within pharmacy, gaming, mlm and other unregulated business types to webmasters who have traffic. We would like to offer a complete solution where the webmaster can just connect and get the...
  10. O

    Question Merchant account to sell crypto via p2p platforms. Possible?

    Hello, I've been trading on Localbitcoin for a while normally using personal account, however i would like to set up a company (i'll add another question concerning this) to do it professionally. Business model is simple, i buy at a cheap price on Localbitcoin/paxful/binance p2p and i sell...
  11. credit card processing for my business needed?

    I need a credit card processing firm that accept hard to place business, have tried with lot's of payment processors I found on all over places but got rejected by all of them! My business is new, I don't have any statements I make 9000 euro every month in crypto but believe it can go higher if...
  12. Stripe Rules That Confuse Business Owners – Requirements Explained in Small Details

    Different OffshoreCorpTalk forum users stick to different online payment platforms – whatever works for them. Then, different platforms come with different terms and conditions. One thread in particular has caught our attention due to the wide discrepancies in opinions and facts. Regarding the...
  13. S

    Question Alternative to USA LLC for Dropshipping after payment issue?

    so for the last 4 months, i have tried every payment processor in the USA like stripe, Paypal, 2checkout, and shopify payments to get hold of a payment processor account most of them labeled my dropshipping business as high risk and won't give me an account unless I have a utility bill in the...
  14. UK LTD and EU citizen, any tax benefit?

    I have wondered if it might pay off for me to set up a company in the UK, get it to invoice all customers, get my Swedish company to invoice the English and then avoid paying Swedish corporation tax. I have with great enthusiasm read the article in mentor group gold which explains all the...
  15. Quick Guide To Get Your Offshore Business Up & Running

    If you have ever opened a bank account, you probably know already it takes time, and it requires lots of paperwork. In some countries, you will need to set an appointment, bring bills, proof of address, and so on. Then, you need to wait for approval before getting two separate letters – one with...
  16. Find a match for your Payment Processing needs!

    In our continued search to find payment processing facilities we have stumbled upon the below website: Actually we got reffered it by a payment processor declining our business model, anyway, we completed the form and waited some time to receive some matches, if...
  17. Can you tell me about moneytigo?

    I desperately search for a high risk payment processor for my simple business, struggling to find a valid one. googling I found They claim to open accounts within 5 minutes to lure merchants into their business I believe it is not the application they can approve that...
  18. Experience with

    Does someone know anything about this payment processor? They are on a .NET domain which already raised my first warning lamp.
  19. Payment Processors & Merchant Accounts Explained – What To Expect When Signing Up

    PayPal gained some reputation as one of the leading online payment platforms in the world, whether it comes to people making donations, freelancers or companies. There are different types of accounts and lots of options to set everything correctly. However, PayPal has its flaws as well...
  20. Anyone has experience with

    Looking for a valid high risk payment processor and they have approved my business already. My question is, how reliable is this company, they look to be EMI and Merchant account provider in one solution which is not bad at all. What do you think?