low fees

  1. K

    Lowest TCO offshore destination

    hello, does anyone keep a list of setup costs and 2nd+ year fees for different juristictions? A list would help one to choose a country depending on the total cost of ownership. For example a low setup fee but high yearly fees/flat tax would rule out the country for me.
  2. L


    Hello, I am employed in Luxembourg and my employer want to give a bonus to me. He mentioned to me that he can do it to me personally (via Luxembourg or via another company located in an off or on shore jurisdiction such as jersey, UK etc...). Due to the high level of taxation on bonus in...
  3. S

    Offshore company (anonymous owner+low tax+low adm. costs)

    Hello there, Can you help me with advice.. what country do you think is the best place to found a company under these specs: 1) Internet company with online sales of advertising 2) Country should be not too expensive to found and run a company in. (This company starts small, so need small...
  4. Z

    Offshore business bank account with minimum deposit

    Where can we open an offshore business bank account with a minimum deposit?