
  1. C

    Question Is Using a Cyprus Trust to Avoid Taxes in Europe Too Good to Be True?

    Good morning everyone, I think many will find this question interesting. I saw a viral TikTok video about a company offering Cyprus trusts as a solution for Europeans. Here’s the idea: 1. Open a trust in Cyprus with a Cypriot lawyer as the trustee. 2. Sell your intellectual property to the...
  2. L

    Price for car transport from Italy

    Hi my dears, does someone have experience with vehicle transportation by sea ? I need to transport my personal car (average value as in not luxury but not cheap either. German make, almost brand new, relatively high emotional value) from Genoa to Malta. I’m not in that much of a hurry, the...
  3. Irresponsible living expenses shot up to the moon, is it a crack down on the World?

    All the newspapers write about it, everyone talks about it, I can feel it when I walk through the supermarket, want to make an extension or buy me a new car. EVERYTHING has become expensive, you can not get what you want to buy as it is either backordered or just not available. Even in the...
  4. How Living in the Third World Can Change Your Life into Better

    Living in the third world implies living in emerging markets and developing countries. To most people in their 20s or 30s, this is usually a phase. They go there for a while to experience what it feels like to be rich, but this is pretty much it. However, once you get used to this lifestyle...
  5. What a lifestyle in DUBAI - I'm coming...

    This video popped up my face watching some YouTube Not available video - link removed! Not bad, does someone believe it is the truth or how is it if you are not a billionaire but only a mainstream guy with 500K euro a year in profits? Would you consider Dubai to be the paradise as they show it...
  6. K

    Questions about Georgia (country)

    Hello, really considering moving to Georgia for tax purposes but my main questions at the moment are about the life style there. I understand its not Las Vegas or even switzerland but: 1. Are there any modern areas in Tbilisi with good building, neighborhoods, shopping areas,restaurants, gyms...
  7. T

    How can I change my life dramatically? I feel stagnant.

    I have about $4k in savings. What country should I move to if I want to change my life dramatically (financially and otherwise)? I'm African. I know my question may sound absurd, but I need ideas on what to do. And I think an entirely new environment may be the answer to unlock new opportunities.
  8. D

    Strategies for living in the EU near tax-free with low profile

    Thinking about ways of living in the EU with a low profile and getting benefit of the 183 days rule in order to avoid tax residency status. Let's put a concrete example of one possible strategy: Bob is a citizen of a high-tax large EU country (A). He moved to another EU country (B) for job...