
  1. Is Leopay still working with old account holders ?

    Hello, As some of you know, Leopay (leupay) they changed their policy in regards to what countries they accept to do business with. I was using my account & their credit card for quite sometime until i received their email about this policy change on October 2018 saying that my account will be...
  2. LeuPay Rejecting Legal, Transparent Businesses

    Hello, I applied for LeuPay business account for my company which is UAE based company. I sent them all required documents and business plan also I completed video verification but today they wrote this: Dear Sirs, By this e-mail we inform you on the immediate suspension of the LeuPay Service...
  3. M

    What does LeuPay report to whom (CRS)?

    Dear members, Newbie here, getting into international tax regulations. I want to add LeuPay as bankaccount to a Seychelles IBC, but register the LeuPay account as resident in The Netherlands. I don't live in the Netherlands anymore and am an expat in Africa. However, does LeuPay report what...
  4. J

    advance cash >>> reliability .

    Dear All, any feedback from real user about advance cash? are they reliable? the user reviews was not optimistic. We are looking for a reliable EMI company.
  5. B


    From what I have read EMIs don't report income to your country, yes? As for registered banks they always report. But the EMI is linked to a registered bank so therefore you are getting reported even though you are using an EMI? And if I open a company account with Euro Pacific Bank for example...
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    Looking for a business banking solution for a UK Limited Partnership company

    Hey guys/gals, I would appreciate it a lot if you could point me in the right direction. We have been looking around for a business banking solution for our limited partnership company that is registered in Wales. What we are interested in, is opening a business/corporate account on the...
  7. M

    EMI for withdraw from Paypal

    Hi i am looking for some EMI that offers Visa debit card than can succesfully be added to Paypal so i could withdraw money from PP. I live in non EU country (EEA?). I could say i live in 2 countries, Serbia and Kosovo (why 2, google it). So EMI must allow to send card in that country (preferable...
  8. LeuPay Alternative?

    Hello, I am searching for a LeuPay alternative. I need an offshore account with a debit card. Any recommendations please!
  9. N

    Scottish LP formation + LeuPay

    Hello, Actually, I have my e-commerce based in France. I use Shopify where I accept payments with Stripe and PayPal. Most of my clients are from EU. I read that for my case the better option is to open a Scottish LP or UK LLP and a EU bank account. I think to open the LeuPay account. I don't...
  10. M

    Mail forwarder to receive a card

    Hi, im interested in opening a leupay account + card. The question is: can i tell them to send the card to a forwarder service? must the forwarder addres match my "personal" (proof of addres) address? Example: I live in spain, i want to use a UK id to ask for the card (using UK info/addres) at...
  11. Leupay + Skrill or other EMI services

    Hello everybody! First of all, I want to say that I absolutely love this forum, the info here is priceless and the members seem very helpful. I know a lot of you use Leupay.eu as your main EMI, I´ve been using it a lot recently but I´m starting to worry about whether connecting my account with...
  12. M

    PayPal business + card

    Hi, im not shure it i´m in the correct sub-forum but lets go. Im looking for a way to get a paypal business verified account to receive payments at my website WITHOUT creating a company. What documents will i need to have to verify the account? ID Card? Proof of residence? also link it to a...
  13. M

    Skrill withdrawal into LeuPay IBAN possible ?

    Can I link IBAN account obtained from LeuPay with my Skrill account and withdraw money there ? What do u think ? If not, what is viable solution better than Skrill ?
  14. U

    Looking for an ATM Friendly bank account

    Im looking for an online banking solution for non EU citizens with emphasis on ATM friendly currently i have leupay account with the following limits and fees number of ATM transactions daily : 5 max withdrawal amount daily : 1000$ FX transaction fee :0% cost per withdrawal: 4usd the foreign...
  15. Offshore corp with EMI account still good?

    What you guys think! With all the discussions going on here and about darks, offshore company, offshore banking and EMI accounts I was wondering what the preferred setup is for most of you guys? What is it you are going for EMI, offshore accounts, what jurisdiction for company?
  16. Question about LeuPay

    Hello, everyone. I'd like to know if anyone has used LeuPay to send and receive wire transfers from Forex brokers. If you're doing so, has LeuPay accepted it with no problems?