latvia bank account

  1. G

    Rietumu - for all victims of fraudulent account closure and theft of funds

    We are looking for all recent victims of Rietumu fraud, specifically where the accounts were: - suddenly converted from USD to EUR - frozen for incoming and outgoing transfers - closed under Clause 15.7 (Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance) - funds seized or frozen without an...
  2. G

    Looking for a bank in Latvia or Baltic countries, banks please?

    Can you help me to list the Baltic banks around that accept foreign companies for account opening? I have simple requirements: internet banking in English USD & EUR account Debit Card normal monthly fee (if applicable) no personal visit if possible Any Baltic bank you know can do that?
  3. Y

    2 reasons why you don't want to bank in Latvia!

    Here are 2 reasons for why you don't want to open an account with a bank in Latvia. 1. You don't gain any privacy at all, Latvia is not considered a offshore country but part of the European Union, that mean Tax Information Exchange Agreements are in full force here and you will get reported to...