information sharing

  1. L

    FATCA Automatic Exchanges for Non-Resident LLCs: Current Rules and Upcoming Changes

    I'm trying to get a clear understanding of how FATCA affects non-resident LLCs and their beneficial owners, especially regarding automatic exchanges of information between the U.S. and countries that have signed Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs). I know personal accounts with over $10 in...
  2. A

    Will my home country find out about my US residency?

    Very simple question: if I obtain US residency or citizenship, will my home country know about it? Opening a bank account as a US resident/citizen shouldn't trigger any reporting as I would be be considered a US person for tax purposes, which would be correct. I haven't lived in my home country...
  3. Twelve no/low tax countries share data on companies with no substance with UBO's country

    Since March 2021 twelve countries now automatically share information on companies with no economic substance and where beneficial owners are non-resident. I think non-resident folk with companies in the below countries may be in for a letter from their tax man. Anguilla Bahamas Bahrain...